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MaBhulose : "Uyayibona ke imisebenzi yakho?! Uyayibona?!" (Do you see your work?! Do you see?!) she screams at her husband crying.

Bhulose : "Mfazi! Ungalinge ukhulume nami engathi udilika emthini, siyezwana?!" (Woman! Don't you dare speak to me as if you falling off a tree, am I clear?!)

MaBhulose : "I really don't care right now!! We have lost almost everything Bhulose! Can't you see?!"

Bhulose : "Calm down my wife. We have not lost everything my wife." he says trying to calm her.

MaBhulose : "Don't you dare tell me that!!! The kids are all gone, they nothing to do with us!! The business is losing it's clients!! Your stupid friend keeps on making demands as if we owe him after he killed my child man Bhulose!!!"

Bhulose : "Mnkami, I will make a plan. Please bare with me." A knock interrupts them, Bhulose goes to open and he is met by his worst enemy, Ndaba. This is the same man that slept with his wife and it didn't end there, he also left his wife pregnant as proof that he slept with his wife. No man has ever disrespected him like this man in front of him.

Ndaba : "Bhulose." he greets coldly with a straight face.

Bhulose : "Ya, what are you doing in my house?!"

Ndaba : "I come in peace man." Bhulose scoffs.

Bhulose : "Come in peace?! Come in peace in who's house?! Wena, you have disrespected me enough and I won't let it slide this time around."

Ndaba : "Listen man, I am sorry for what happened in the past. I am just here for my daughter."

Bhulose : "I long killed that bustard of yours." he said coldly. His wife appears behind him

MaBhulose : "What's taking you so long la... Ndaba!" she says sounding surprised.

Ndaba : "Zame. How are you?" he asks with a certain tone, MaBhulose smiles

MaBhulose : "I'm trying. What brings you here?" she asked still smiling. Bhulose is just watching them interact.

Ndaba : "I'm here for my daughter Zamekile." he says now with his tone sounding unwelcoming and cold.

MaBhulose : "I told you that I miscarried Menziwa so what do you mean?!"

Ndaba : "You are still lying Zamekile! I know my daughter is still alive and your husband better have not been abusing my child cause you both will know me, infact I'm sure y'all have heard about me before!" he says in a threatening tone.

Bhulose : "Your daughter left. We don't know where she is."

Ndaba : "How can you not know when you both are responsible for her?!"

Zamekile : "Heeey! Get out of my yard!" she shouts.

Ndaba : "You both better pray, I find her in good shape wherever she is or else.... isukile." he chuckles mockingly then walks out the yard, gets in his car and drives off.

Bhulose : "You disrespected me Zamekile! Busy flirting with that dog!" MaBhulose just walks off.


MaNdaba snr : "Menziwa." her son sighs and takes a sit next to her.

Ndaba : "I didn't find her mah."

MaNdaba Snr : "Angizwanga?! kanjani manje?!"

Ndaba : "They said she ran away from there and they don't know where she is." MaNdaba snr cries

MaNdaba Snr : "Aw kodwa ngengane yami. What if she's in danger? what if she is not eating well wherever she is?" she cries as she is hyperventilating. Ndaba tries calming her down and calls his wife to come with some water.

Ndaba : "Mah calm down please. I promise to find her. She's probably okay wherever she is.."

MaNdaba Snr : "Don't be crazy wena! No child runs away from home just because she feels like it, thise devils probably did something to her!"

MaNdaba jnr : "I agree with Mah. And what kind of parents are they to not even worry or bother to look after the child?! hhayi something's fishy."

MaNdaba : "Uyabona that nonsense of a man that is Bhulose?He better watch out." she clicks her tongue and walks off leaving the couple.

MaNdaba jnr : "Get your men, brothers or whatever to find that child Menzi. If by this week you fail to do that then you'll be using the guesthouse outside. You have lost enough years of that child's life so you better step up. This is your chance to step up and become a father to her, a good one at that. Don't disappoint her, she might know about you and what not but once you find her; do not play the victim card of not knowing of her existence."

Ndaba : "But baby, I really didn't know of her existence."

MaNdaba jnr : "That doesn't mean use it against her if it happens that she is angry with you. I know, I've been there."

Ndaba : "I'm sorry baby. I promise I will do good to her." he says hugging her. This father-daughter issue of his husband and Milile was kind of a trigger to her as she also went through the same thing with her father whom had been absent in her life for her whole life until she had found out that her father actually never knew of her but she was still angry at him for some reason. She expected her father to be patient with her ,sympathetic and also understand her anger towards him but her father kept on playing the victim too much, it also didn't help that he was an old man so when they finally made peace; he died. This had remained a scar all her life so she is really determined to make her husband listen and understand Milile. She is already willing to be the best mother to Milile, not because she is trying to replace her own parents but because she knows how it feels to be abused at home and having an absent father on top of it all.

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