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Milile pov:

So we finally arrived in Cape Town , we were now waiting on my brother to fetch us from the airport. I was really happy to be away from home. A man walked to us and stood in front of us staring at me then smiled a little to the both of us.

Man : "Milile, Sandiswa?"

Sandy : "Who are you?"

Man : "I am Jabu , Sanele's friend. He asked me to come get you guys as he is still held up at work." I took out my phone and called my brother while Sandy was busy interrogating the man.

Me : "Bhuti."

Bhuti : "Has Jabu found y'all yet? Yazi i told him long ago to leave for the airport."

Me : "Oh yes bhuti , he is here. I was just calling to make sure that he wasn't lying." He chuckled.

Bhuti : "Okay. Im glad you did so. I'll see you both at home neh?"

Me : "Okay."

Bhuti : "Don't cook , we going out. Kiss Sasa for me. Bye." He hangs up. I peck Sasa's lips on purpose and just to annoy her, she stops talking and frowns at me.

Sandy : "Why?!" She asked through her gritted teeth.

Me : "Bhuti said i must and I can. Jabu.... we can go." We walked to the parking. He unlocked his car which was really beautiful by the way, we got in then he drove off.

Jabu : "Can i get you guys some ice cream?" Sandy squeals

Sandy : "Oh yes please." He drives past KFC and buys us Krushes and food.

Me : "Thank you Jabu." He smiles looking me in the eye. We get to bhuti's house and as always im stunned , i can never get used to my brother's gorgeous house. Jabu walked in with our bags and placed them in the passage.

Me : "Thank you so much for your help."

Jabu : "Don't sweat it." Another moment of eye contact between us but i break away from his stare fast.

Jabu : "I will see you guys, i have to get back to work." We nod, he walks out.

Sandy : "OMG!! You like him!!" She squeals, i frown.

Me : "No i don't." I grab the KFC doggy bag and start eating from the packet.

Sandy : "Oh yes, you do big sister!"

Me : "Sandiswa, I have my own boyfriend back home and you know it."

Sandy : "You mean that hooligan that changes girls like underwear? The same one that slept with your friend and blamed you for it? Usho loyo?"

Me : "Shut up Sandiswa!" I shout throwing those damn nice fries on the table and go find my room. Sandiswa has a very looses mouth and it irks the sh*t out of me. I place my bag carefully on the couch, I close and lock my door before getting on the bed and nap.


"Milly! Milly?" A knock wakes me up, i get up stretching and open the door. It's bhuti. I hug him tightly.

Me : "Hey bhuti."

Bhuti : "Hey love. I missed you so much." Then he scoops me up and walks to the lounge with me. He places me carefully on the couch.

Bhuti : "How are you Nkosazana?" I smile.

Me : "Im good bhuti, wena?"

Bhuti : "Im very ecstatic to see my two beautiful sisters." He says pulling us in his arms.

Sandy : "We also happy." He smiles.

Bhuti : "Go get ready, we going out tonight and Milly please, don't dress like a boy." We laugh.

Me : "Hawu.."

Bhuti : "Both y'alls closets have clothes so choose from those." I walk back to my room and i know Sandy is following me

Sandy : "Sisiza, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be insensitive, ngibhedile. Ngiyaxolisa."

Me : "I forgive you, next time I'll slap you Sandiswa." She nods holding in a laugh.

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