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Nqubeko has been going out of his mind ever since they said she was now in labor and then locked themselves in the ancestral hut outside. They wouldn't let him in so he had to wait which he didn't really want cause it was making him panic even more and more anxious. He could hear her screams which scared the sh*t out of him. He wanted to bang that door open but it was the ancestors hut, he had to be respectful cause it's a sacred place.

Ndamase: "Calm down son. Come this side and let's have something to clam you down." his uncle said pulling him to the veranda to sit on the benches.

Nqubeko: "I am scared baba."

Ndamase: "Don't be, she will be fine. I trust those women inside that hut, they won't let anything happen to her."

Nqubeko: "Okay. I heard her saying she doesn't want to be with me anymore ."

Ndamase: "Oh every woman says that when they are in labor." he tells him laughing.

Nqubeko: "That's actually not the first time she's mentioned that. She also said it yesterday morning, uthi she wants us to separate and I really don't want that baba. Like I know i'm not the best husband to her sometimes but i really won't cope without her."

Ndamase: "Wena uwenzen?"

Nqubeko: "She believes that she isn't important in my life. I hadn't been entirely honest or open with her as she has been with me so now, I sometimes spill some of the things I have never told her and it makes her mad that i've never told her before. Even when she found out that i am from Royalty, she found out through social media..."

Ndamase: "Wena why are you not being honest with her."

Nqubeko: "I'm scared that she will actually really not want to be with me because of the baggage I have."

Ndamase: "You see? that's where you're wrong. When you thought that and actually believed it, it is now seen as you taking a decision for her. You made that decision for her just because of your fears. It is never good to seem like a perfect person when you still want the girl, you should have been honest from the beginning my boy. Now all you can do is apologise, acknowledge all your mistakes and ask her that she allows you to be open with her."

Nqubeko: "Yebo, thank you baba." The door opened and his aunt peeped

Dabawo: "You can come in now." By the time she finished her sentence, Nqubeko was already inside the hut. He was kneeling next to a passed out Milile.

Nqubeko: "Baby?" he shaked her lightly feeling his heart beating rapidly. He kissed her lips and shook her again. He would only be at ease once he sees her eyes open even if it's for a second.

Milile: "mmmh?" she lazily glanced at him then closed her eyes again falling into deep slumber.

Dabawo: "Leave her to rest boy! she's tired, especially after pushing out four heads out her vagina! I would be too." he turns to his aunt so fast.

Nqubeko: "What? Quads? We have Quads?!"

Dabawo: "Yes." she says laughing at his expressions.

Nqubeko: "What?" he whispered.

Dabawo: "Come see them." he shakes his head.

Nqubeko: "I want to see them with my wife awake." they decide to let him be as he snuggled next to Milile and held her securely in his arms.

Later on, he wakes up to Milile playing with his face. He smiles faintly and plants a soft kiss on her lips before they gaze in each other's eyes.

Nqubeko: "Please don't leave me. I promise to be more transparent with you baby. I'm sorry..." She places her finger on his lips shutting him up.

Milile: "We will talk about all this later."

Nqubeko: "Baby.."

Dabawo: "Here is your first son, he came out first, followed by this champ." she says handing Milile the two babies wrapped in yellow blankets. She then brings the other two and hands them to Nqubeko.

Dabawo: "This boy right here came next then last but not least, the princess." she stands a few minutes watching them both stare at their babies with sparkling eyes. Then Milile leans towards Nqubeko and cries, they both cry for sometime making the little princess cry too.

Dabawo: "Ok that girl will not stop crying until you both stop." she says making Milile giggle a bit while still crying.

Nqubeko: "So what are we naming them?" he asks after clearing his throat.

Milile: "I will name the girl."

Nqubeko: "Okay. Nkosana is our first champ, Siyabonga and then Sibusiso."

Milile: "Nkosazana." she says shrugging.

Nqubeko: "I love it. Thank you so much sthandwa sami for this wonder gift. You really deserved that car." he says smiling and plants a kiss on her lips.

Milile: "I want another one baby. A mom car."

Nqubeko: "I was thinking that we go on a family vacation once the babies are fit for travelling."

Milile: "Okay. I think we should go to DisneyLand for Nasi."

Nqubeko: "Okay." he kisses her.

Milile: "They all look like me."

Nqubeko: "No, Nkosazana looks like her father haw." they both giggle.

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