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Milile pov :

Dad has been stealing glances at me as he drives me to my therapy session. He picked me up from work, my sister is working a double shift today.

Dad : "You haven't eaten the food I got for you baby girl." he says stealing another glance at me. I peel my eyes away from my phone and look at him.

Me : "Yes baba, i will eat it later."

Dad : "But you usually eat while i drive you home nje."

Me : "I know but i'm still full from the lunch I had."

Dad : "mmh." I go back to my phone, I can still feel his eyes on me.

Me : "Baba. I will eat, i promise."

Dad : "mmh. Flowers again today huh?" oh so that's the problem.

Me : "Yes."

Dad : "Who bought them for you?" i can smell his jealousy.

Me : "One of our clients that we had a meeting with."

Dad : "mmhm. He better not have any ideas, you still my baby." He parks the car outside the building.

Me : "Dad, can I please go out with my colleagues today?" he stares at me for sometime.

Dad : "You can but as soon as you want to come home then you call me to come fetch you okay? ubers are not safe these days." I scream a little.

Me : "Thank you babah!"

Dad : "Should I fetch you after your session?" Mah was the one who signed me up for therapy and i think it is not that bad. I have been attending sessions for two months now. I attend them after work and it works for me.

Me : "No." he nods, he kisses my forehead then bid me goodbye before I enter the building and he drives off. He is always home these days since mom is pregnant.

I have just finished my session and it was a really bad one today. I'm sure my whole face is red together with my eyes. I stand by the reception and take out my phone to call dad, I don't feel like going out anymore. My phone rings just before I can make the call

Me : "Hello?"

Nqubeko : "Ntokazi. I am outside." I exhale hanging up then walk outside. I find him leaning against a red Hyundai i20. When he sees me, he walks to me taking long strides. He has this frown on his face

Nqubeko : "Ntokazi." He does something with his hands as if he is unsure whether to touch me or not. He finally just cups my face and stares into my eyes.

Me : "Nqubeko." I whisper with my shaky voice.

Nqubeko : "Bad session?" I nod as my tears well up and he wipes them before they could fall.

Me : "yeah."

Nqubeko : "Come here.." He hugs me tightly only triggering more tears. I cry on his chest until I have hiccups.

Nqubeko : "You will be fine." He scoops me up and puts me in the car carefully before he walks to his side.

Me : "I'm sorry." I apologise when I see how wet his tshirt looks, all because of my tears.

Nqubeko : "I don't think we can go out anymore but I have just a good idea." he says smiling at me.

Me : "I'm sorry for ruining plans."

Nqubeko : "Don't worry about it sweetheart." he says taking my hand and plants a soft kiss on my palm. He drives off, he puts on some music.

Me : "I like this song." i say turning up the volume abit. 

Me : "The beach?" I ask when he parks in front of the beach. It is late now but people are still walking around.

Nqubeko : "Yes. It will help you calm down and clear your mind."

Me : "Thank you." I respond smiling at him.

Nqubeko : "Let's go closer to the sea." he gets out of the car and walk to my side. He opens the door, helps me out of my shoes. The beach twice a day? i'm not complaining though. We take a walk around the shore, with our feet sinking into the sand.

Nqubeko : "We going to sit on that big rock." he says pointing at it. He helps me sit on it before he sits next to me.

Me : "My session today was about forgiving everyone from my past that have did me wrong. I am not ready for all that, I am not ready to forgive them Nqubeko. Those people broke me beyond words."

Nqubeko : "I understand. You don't have to forgive them overnight Ntokazi. Forgiveness doesn't happen overnight but take your time. Heal your wounds first and then look into forgiving them. Forgiving them now wouldn't be as genuine as you would like it to be and it definitely won't be as peaceful to your soul." I nod and lay my head on his shoulder and stare at his face. He turns his face to look at me.

Me : "Thank you." I whisper with my breath fanning his lips as we stare at each other. He places his hand gently on the back of my neck and gently pulls me closer still maintaining the eye contact. His lips brushed lightly against his, we breathing the same breath. I don't hold myself so I place my lips on his before I start sucking on his lower lip. I can feel his lips stretching into a smile against mine. We kiss for a short while then break it. I tear my eyes away from his as he stares at me smirking.

Me : "Im..." He cuts me off by kissing me again. I break the kiss to catch my breath. He looks at me making me blush.

Nqubeko : "Cela ube ngowami?" (Can you please be mine?) I blush nodding. He smiles widely at me and smooches me again.

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