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Milile pov

We were back home now, the news of my inability to carry a pregnancy full term kind of messed me up and my vacation mood so Nqubeko suggested we come back home and we will go on vacation some other time. As soon as we landed, he had to go see Mntungwa so he dropped me off at home first then left after promising to come see me later on. Dad has been holding me to him since I arrived.

Dad: "I missed you so much babygirl."

Me: "I missed you too babah."

Dad: "We need to talk."

Me: "I know." I sigh.

Dad: "When are you planning to go back to therapy?"

Me: "But I am attending baba."

Dad: "You haven't attended for the past three weeks baby."

Me: "Yes because of my trips nje babah."

Dad: "I know. Will you ever forgive Zamekile? I think we were well I was wrong for slapping her and all the harsh words we said at her."

Me: "Yeah, I even blamed her for my baby's passing..."

Dad: "Well we can't really blame you for that hey.."

Me: "Yeah and I just realised that I haven't really forgiven her for what she put me through. I think my hatred actually just multiplied after the doctor told me that I won't be able to carry a child full term babah."

Dad: "Baby..."

Me: "No babah. The abortion she forced on me damaged my womb, she and her husband had to beat me up like a dog on top of that?! I hope they both experience the most horrible pain in their lives and i hope they die while at it. I don't ever want to see her!! I am so tired of pretending to be fine with her, so tired of always trying to force my heart to forgive what still hurts it anyway." I cry on his chest. He is just quiet while brushing my back softly.

Dad: "I am also sorry for always forcing her down your throat baby. I promise she will never come close to you again. Now I see what she has done to you, I can't have you like this because of her."

Me: "It hurts babah. I didn't even get a chance to bury any of my kids. They were both taken away from me so soon, before they could even become little humans. It hurts babah."

Dad: "I know baby, I know." I can't seem to stop crying right now as everything feels too much and my heart is so heavy and painful.

Dad: "Baby, please bring me a glass of water." he calls out to mom who I didn't even notice was in the room. She comes back shortly with the water and helps me drink it, I drink even though it tastes a bit bitter.

Later on I wake to Nqubeko's intense stare, he is just staring at my face and I don't think he has noticed that i'm awake now.

Me: "Baby." I whisper, he smiles a little before cupping my face.

Nqubeko: "Hey love. How are you feeling?"

Me: "Tired. Angry. Hurt and hungry." he smiles a little then kiss my lips. I mean it's no use lying because I know he was probably told about my crying since he is in my room, sitting on my bed.

Nqubeko: "Your father told me of your outburst." I wouldn't say it was an outburst as per se but ke.

Me: "What? Y'all friends now?" he chuckles.

Nqubeko: "No, he's my father inlaw baby." I slap his chest chuckling. He pecks my lips again

Me: "I love you."

Nqubeko: "I love you baby. So much. I want us to talk about what the doctor said."

Me: "Buka you can't even say it."

Nqubeko: "Baby. He didn't say it's permanent, who knows your womb might be recovered by next week. Please stop stressing about that, I'm sorry if you feel like I pressured you by asking for a baby but i promise that wasn't my intention baby..."

Me: "I know Nqubeko but i'm just so hurt and scared."

Nqubeko: "Baby. There are various options for having a baby. We can hire a professional surrogate or we can adopt..."

Me: "NO! Nqubeko, I want to carry my own kids. I want to go through all the phases of pregnancy, the weird cravings, the morning sicknesses and also feel the kicks.."

Nqubeko: "I understand baby. I promise, we will find a way." I nod snuggling on his chest as he holds me tight. He stares at my face for a little while before he attacks my lips with his and both our lips move so delicately and passionately against each other.

Me: "Mmh." he finally breaks the kiss.

Nqubeko: "So Mntungwa says I can't marry you without doing the right thing first which is finding both my parents families. He said I can't even pay lobola because i'm still using the wrong surname."

Me: "How far is your PA man with finding anything?" His phone rings just as he was about to talk.

Nqubeko: "It's mah.." he answers and puts it on speaker.

MaNgcobo: "Nqubeko. How are you?"

Nqubeko: "We good mah, how are you?"

MaNgcobo: "I am okay son. Sibiya helped me with finding the Ndamases. We found them..

Nqubeko: "Really mah?"

MaNgcobo: "Yes mfana wami. They actually just a village away from here. They in Dutywa."

Nqubeko: "Do you think you can accompany me there anytime soon because I really need to do the right things required of me before I can take Milile as my wife."

MaNgcobo: *ululating*

Nqubeko: "Mah!" he chuckles.

MaNgcobo: "I am just so happy son. We can even go tomorrow."

Nqubeko: "Thank you mama. I will let you know when we can go then."

MaNgcobo: "Okay my boy. Send my greetings to makoti. Treat each other well there okay?"

Nqubeko: "Yebo, stay well mah." he hangs up and pulls me to his chest and squeezes me so tightly.

Nqubeko: "I am so happy, everything is looking up now." he pecks my lips.

SORROWS OF THE HEART Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora