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Nqubeko : "Your parents have been calling." He tells his brother nervously.

Nqobani : "Do you think they have seen the news?!"

Nqubeko : "Obviously! When have they ever called this much?!" He answers his mother's call.

Nqubeko : "KaMapholoba." he greets her

KaMapholoba : "Boy! How are you my love? How is my daughter in law doing with all these news?" He sighs brushing his head roughly.

Nqubeko : "She was angry mah. She just left! Her father had called her shouting, it's bad mah."

KaMapholoba : "Aw my boy. Don't worry she will come around, give her some time." he nods

Nqubeko : "Okay mah."

KaMapholoba : "Your father is angry, he wants to talk to you."

Nqubeko : "You with dad over there?!"

Ndamase Senior : "Yes she is. Now listen to me boy, I see you very bad at choosing women so I will help you."

Nqubeko : "But baba.."

Ndamase senior : "No, I have given you enough time to come to me with a suitable wife but what do you do? You go out there and get some floozy who is somebody's wife!"

Nqubeko : "Baba, those are lies."

Ndamase senior : "Yeah well, did she finally tell you what happened to her child?!"

Nqubeko : "With all dur respect baba, that is between me and her. Y'all have no business in our affairs."

Ndamase senior : "Whatever. You better make sure you back home next month with a wife or I will find one for you."

KaMapholoba : "My boy."

Nqubeko : "Mah."

KaMapholoba : "Don't let your father pressurise you into doing this the wrong way. Let makoti calm down then talk to her boy boy okay?"

Nqubeko : "Yes, thank you mah." he says in a small sad voice.

KaMapholoba : "I love you. Tell your brother I love him too. Look after each other lapho."

Nqubeko : "Take care mah" they hang up. Nqobani pats his shoulder in comfort.

Nqobani : "You will be fine bafo."

Nqubeko : "It's hard to believe it kababa." he says sitting on the couch defeated.

Nqobani : "Don't let baba dictate your life like he did with Qophelo."

Nqubeko : "I'm not worried about that, i'm worried about my relationship kababa!" he says burying his head in his hands.

Nqubeko : "it gets worse. I have been giving her fertility pills as emergency pills bro."

Nqobani : "NQUBEKO NDAMASE!!!"

Nqubeko : "I know. I know, it's just that I wanted to..."

Nqobani : "You wanted to what? Prove it?"

Nqubeko : "Yeah, I can't be selling myself short by believing people who aren't God or doctors! I wanted a professional opinion okay?! If i really can't father a child then I will learn to live with it."

Nqobani : "I understand your views. I'm sorry if i'm being insensitive. Maybe her carrying your child might also help you with getting ubaba off your back."

Nqubeko : "You right."

Nqobani : "Just make sure she's safe all the time because you know how your father is with anything and anyone threatening his money." He says then walks out leaving his brother in thoughts.

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