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Milile pov

My heart was feeling really strained and painful, it felt like ot was literally cut into pieces. Seeing the pity in everyone's eyes when they come to see me makes me angry and hurt. Seeing my man's empty eyes, his brokenness breaks me even more. I feel like I failed him more since he was really excited about our baby, we both were but for him it was something more.

Right now, I am in my ward room with Nqubeko and my sister. They both have been conversing with me, trying to crack some jokes.

Me : "Pule, where's mom and dad?" she shies away from me.

Pule : "They here, they just can't see you now."

Me : "Why?"

Pule : "Mom is giving birth."

Me : "Oh really?!" Atleast those are news to be excited about.

Pule : "You excited? I didn't want to tell you incase I trigger you."

Me : "You don't have to walk around eggshells with me. Of course i am excited. That's our baby sibling and dad will finally get off our backs."

Dad : "No, I won't." Pule and I share a look then giggle.

Dad : "Son. Y'all will be fine. This too shall pass, it's all God's work. Never question His ways. I am also willing to help the both of you in cleansing."

Nqubeko : "Thank you Dubazane." Dad smiles and nods at him.

Dad : "Milile. I think we should also check the reason for this, okay? I'm not being insensitive or anything but it's what we have to do."

Me : "I understand babah." Nqubeko bids goodbye and promises to come back in a few hours.

Me : "Dad, can i please go see mah and the baby?"

Dad : "You sure?!"

Me : "Dad!!" He sends Mapule to get me a wheelchair. He then gently places me on the wheelchair and pushes me to mom's ward.

Mah : "Ahhh my baby!!! Ndaba why did you get her out of bed?!" she scolds dad as she breastfeeds.

Dad : "She convinced me too."

Me : "Do we have a baby girl or boy?" They both glance at each other smiling.

Mah : "it's a boy.." Pule and I squeal.

Seeing my baby brother kind of made me get my mind off things but it also hurt me, I won't lie. It made me imagine how my baby would've looked like and how happy me and his father would've been. Yea, my baby brother would've been months older than my own baby but it still hurt.

Right now, it was just me and Pule in my ward when Nqubeko walked in with Bandile.

Bandile : "Mnganami." he said walking in carrying a brown paperbag.

Pule : "Bandile? what are you doing here?!" Bandile turns to her shocked then smiles.

Bandile : "Sthandwa sami." he hugs her and kisses her.

Bandile : "This is your sister?!"

Pule : "Yes.."

Nqubeko: "Ey you both better go kiss outside.." we all laugh. He then walks to me smiling, making me smile. He kisses me lightly brushing my face.

Nqubeko : "I love you."

Me : "I love you too."  He kisses me passionately with his hands cupping my face.

Bandile: "Hawu stop it nawe!! I got you food my friend." he says after giving me a warm hug. He hands me the paperbag.

Me: "Thank you. uNqubeko didn't even bring me a fruit." I say looking at him squinting my eyes, he laughs.

Nqubeko : "I actually did baby but your mother took it after saying it's not good for you." We all laugh.

Me : "I know you wouldn't do me like that wena baby." I pout my lips and he plants a soft kiss.

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