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Milile pov:

When we got home, he kept following me around the house apologising. He was seriously making me more angry than i already was. Somehow inbetween him apologising and me getting more angry, I slapped him and that's when he left me alone. He has been sitting in the lounge since. I seriously didn't mean to slap him. I go to the lounge and stand infront of the TV, he pauses a bit then looked at me. He didn't look as angry as I expected him to be

Me: "I would like to apologise for laying my hand on you. It was wrong and disrespectful. I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have done that no matter how angry i am. I promise to never do that again." I wipe my eyes.

Nqubeko: "Can we talk now?" I sniff and nod.

Nqubeko: "Come here." He says opening his arms for me. I sit on his lap before i snuggle up on his chest. He kisses my forehead and sighs heavily.

Nqubeko: "I missed this, I missed you." he says softly brushing my back as I weep.

Me: "You left me." I whisper still sobbing on his chest.

Nqubeko: "I know i'm sorry."

Me: "Nqubeko, I also didn't want to abort my child but I was going to abort it if i was really pregnant because..."

Nqubeko: "It's okay, I understand."

Me: "Still. I have overcome so many obstacles in my life to just give up now. I still have things that I want to achieve. I agree I was being selfish but I also deserve to live Nqubeko. I was gonna risk that to be selfish just this once. I'm tired of always putting people's needs before mine. If I agreed to carry the child, I would have done it to make you happy and not because I wanted to because I was scared, still am infact. We can have a baby through surrogacy like you suggested or we can even adopt."

Nqubeko: "I'm sorry that I didn't take time to understand your feelings about this."

Me: "If I aborted, it would have been a pain that I prepared myself for. I also didn't want to risk another surprise loss of my child Nqubeko. I have had enough already..."

Nqubeko: "It's okay baby." he presses me on his chest as I cry. After sometime, I calm down then sit up on his lap.

Me: "Where were you?"

Nqubeko: "I booked at a hotel.."

Me: "A hotel? how because you left your wallet here."

Nqubeko: "It's one of the hotels I own baby, It's not what you thinking."

Me: "You read minds now? You know what I am thinking?!"

Nqubeko: "No baby."

Me: "Am I really your partner Nqubeko? or I am just a person nje?"

Nqubeko: "Hawu baby, how can you even ask me that?"

Me: "Just answer the damn question!"

Nqubeko: "You my partner, my wife."

Me: "Then why do I always have to hear shocking things about you whether from you or the net?! I suddenly feel like i'm a stranger to you yazi."

Nqubeko: "Aybo baby"

Me: "For instance, right now you just told me, it's one of the hotels you own. I don't even know that you own any hotels mina. Your status, i had to find out on the net! Yini enye?! You a serial killer? liar? and what?"

Nqubeko: "Musa ukuthetha phela sthandwa sami."

Me: "Don't bullsh*t me yezwa?!"

Nqubeko: "Okay, I am sorry for being secretive baby. I will start sharing more."

Me: "Good." I get up from him and

Nqubeko: "Where are you going to? I haven't even gotten a kiss."

Me: "I also didn't get any for the whole week." I smile at him.

Nqubeko: "I didn't like the fact that you took an uber just because you were angry with me. It was rude."

Me: "And how was it rude?"

Nqubeko: "You implied that all these materials are mine alone when I've told you countless times that what's mines is yours." he's being dramatic now.

Me: "I'm sorry."

Me : "I also didn't like the way you spoke to me. Uthe ngidakiwe mina Nqubeko."

Nqubeko: "I know. I know that was very stupid and disrespectful of me. I'm sorry baby. I promise to watch my tone and tongue whenever i'm upset."

Nqubeko: "And then?" he asks me as I walk to the door carrying my weekender bag.

Me: "Angithi sinyamalala amaviki layikhaya, it's my turn ke bhuti." (Isn't it we disappear for weeks in this house?..)

Nqubeko: "Aybo baby. I thought we talked and you forgave me."

Me: "I don't remember you apologising for disappearing the whole week."

Nqubeko: "I'm sorry baby. I'm really sorry for disappearing the whole week."

Me: "As you should! It was disrespectful and degrading Nqubeko. Anyways, try finding a new way to apologise because your words are starting to sound like a boring song."

Nqubeko: "Baby?" he says with his eyes all out in shock. Nqubeko probably thought I am not capable of being this mean huh?!

Me: "Bye." I grab the keys of his Range Rover Evoque. I also have his card in my boobs.

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