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Milile pov:

It finally Friday and i'm already excited for the rest I will get this weekend. I'm already sitting on my desk doing my work and Mr Ndamase hasn't arrived yet. I check emails and take down important messages and notes for him. I confirm his meetings for the day.

Mr Dlamini : "Ms Ndaba." He greets standing in front of my desk.

Me : "Mr Dlamini. Good morning sir." I stand up and shake his hand.

Mr Dlamini : "I'm very happy Ms, It is friday today!" He says joyfully and does a mini dramatic twirl. I chuckle nodding.

Me : "Mr Ndamase hasn't arrived yet."

Mr Dlamini : "It's okay. I will wait for him here." I offer him a cup of coffee which he accepts and sits on the visitors bench pressing his phone.

"Ms Ndaba." I look up and i am met by the same delivery man from the other day. He has the same type of flowers but different colors today, the flowers are white and purple today. I smile accepting the flowers and a small food paperbag. I sign and thank the man before he leaves.

Mr Dlamini : "Something smells delicious in your paper bag Ms Ndaba." I read the card I found in the flowers, the message makes me blush a bit. I place everything carefully on my table while Mr Dlamini stares at me expectantly.

Me : "Sir?"

Mr Dlamini : "Aybo aren't you opening that?" I chuckle and open it. It's a small box of chocolate chip muffins. They smell freshly baked and they still even warm. I take one and take a small bite to taste it. Mh heaven.., they honestly taste so good, the little choc chips melt on your tongue.

Mr Dlamini : "Aybo! manje uzongincisha ngiphambi kwakho?!" (So you won't even share with me when i'm in front of you?) he asks in disbelief. I had even forgotten about him for a second. I laugh and offer him one, he takes it and pulls a chair to sit opposite me with his coffee. We now having his coffee and my muffins.

Mr Dlamini : "I want to be your eating buddy since you have a man that buys you such nice things." I laugh at him.

Me : "What man?!" My boss walks in while we busy eating.

Mr Ndamase : "Bandile, don't even try charming that woman. She's already taken." Mr Dlamini turns to me shocked while my boss continues walking to his office.

Me : ".."

Mr Dlamini : "Fast so?"

Me : "Aybo I'm not dating Mr Ndamase." he frowns.

Mr Dlamini : "My brother doesn't lie."

Me : "I don't know, ask him. Excuse me now, it's time I get back to work." I stand grabbing the notes and messages I had taken down for them.

It is now my lunch time so I go clock out, take my handbag and walk out to the parking lot. My flowers were left on my desk by the way and my new 'eating buddy' promised to look after them since i shared my breakfast with him. I stand rooted looking around for a 'red car' that was mentioned on the little card. A red BMW 1series flashes its light at me , the windows of the car are dimmed which makes me sceptical. He comes out of the car and walks to me.

Nqubeko : "Ntokazi." He says putting his hand in his pocket.

Me : "Hey." tell me why my voice suddenly goes squeaky?!

Nqubeko : "Uyaphila? Asambe." He takes my hand and leads us to his car. He opens the door for me before he goes to his side. He stares at me for sometime smiling then exhales as if relieved. He starts the car and drives off.

Nqubeko : "Thank you so much for finally going out with me." I just smile.

Nqubeko : "I honestly didn't think you would agree, i just took a leap of faith."

Me : "Honestly, it's all because of that book you bought for me. Oh and thank you so much for it, I had been struggling to find it in book stores." He smiles licking his lower lip showing his dimple on the lower part of his cheek.

Nqubeko : "I assumed since the book had recently been published and I have noticed how much of a book worm you are." I blush squirming in my seat.

Me : "Yeah, reading used to be my escape at first but now i'm just so inlove with it and it has become like my daily fix. I can't live or function without having to read anything." I keep quiet when i notice that he keeps on stealing glances at me while smiling and driving.

Nqubeko : "I also read but not as much, really."

Me : "That's nice." i smile at him as he parks the car in front of some posh restaurant, it's around the areas of UMhlanga.

Nqubeko : "Let's go Ntokazi." He says taking my hand into his after we had both got out of the car.

Me : "I enjoyed the muffins and the flowers were beautiful, thank you so much." I thank him after we've settled on the chairs. He smiles.

Nqubeko : "I'm glad you did." He hails a waiter and we place our orders. He ordered some food with a very fancy english name while I ordered creamy pasta alfredo, something i'm familiar with.

Nqubeko : "So how are you finding your job?" He asks while chewing his food. The service here is quite good and different from what i'm used to in other places.

Me : "It is really not as bad as I thought it was. I'm loving it because I also get to learn so much about being in the corporate world." He nods swallowing, wipes his mouth then licks his bottom lip.

Nqubeko : "That is good. It actually shows that you determined in your work because most people work just for the sake of working and don't bother feeding their brains with knowledge." i nod.

Me : "True." .... we continue talking about almost everything interesting that is happening under the sun. I'm glad we didn't get into those awkward conversations where you explain yourself and all that.

Later on after we even took a walk at the beach, he drives me back to the office. My feet were still bare, my shoes are in my hand actually the both of us.

Nqubeko : "I really enjoyed spending time with you. I hope we had more time." I smile turning to him.

Me : "I also enjoyed your company." He smiles and licks his bottom lip again. He parks the car in the underground parking, he gets outs barefooted and walks to my side. He opens my door and crouches down putting my one foot on his knee and wipes it with some cloth before he puts my shoe on. He does the same to the other foot then takes my hand and helps me out the car gently.

Nqubeko : "Enjoy the rest of your day okay?" I nod as his big warm hands hold mine firmly in his. He kisses my knuckles then hands me my lunch paperbag and handbag.

Nqubeko : "Should I walk you inside?" I laugh shaking my head no, he also chuckles.

Nqubeko : "Okay Ntokazi." I smile then walk inside the building.

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