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Milile pov:

When I wake up, it's morning already. I turn to the side where Nqubeko usually sleeps on but it's empty and cold so I guess he didn't join me. I sit leaning against the headboard, stretching my arms. The door opens and he walks in looking very gruffy.

Nqubeko : "Hey."

Me : "Hi." I get and go take a shower, I make sure that I lock the bathroom door. When done, I go back in the room and get dressed in tracksuits and sneakers. I fix my hair then begin packing my things.

Nqubeko : "What's happening baby?" He asks me, I shrug.

Me : "I am going home." My phone disturbs us as it rings, I answer without checking the caller id

Me : "Hello."

Dad : "WeKhanyisile! Khanyisile! Do you want to see me die young?!"

Me : "Cha babah."

Dad : "Where the heck are you?!"

Me : "Hawu, I told you nje."

Dad : "What is this that I am seeing?! You parading around with that man allover Cape Town?!"

Me : "Babah! Where did you get that?!"

Dad : "It's all over social media and how that Bhulose joy was airing out your affairs for everyone to know in that mall!"

Me : "What?!"

Dad : "If you know what's good for you, you will get your little skinny behind home ntombazane before I lose it!"

Me : "Yebo Ndaba." He cuts the call. I ho straight to facebook and what do you know

'Young Prince of Isizwe samaNdamase and business tycoon was seen yesterday at Cape Town mall parading his new girlfriend who by the way seem to have some dark skeletons in her closet. Could this be another year of the young man's dramatic love life?!'

That's what the Isolezwe page headlines say. I turn to look at this man that's suddenly went shy.

Nqubeko : "We still trying to fix it baby."

Me : "Who are you?!"

Nqubeko : "Baby, can we talk about that later?"

Me : "Whatever. Can you please arrange me transportation or something to take me to the airport, I'm going home."  I say zipping my bag.

Nqubeko : "Sthandwa sami please."

Me : "Nqubeko, I am not married to you so I can go home anytime I want!"  He sighs.

Nqubeko : "But you came here for work nje"

Me : "It's not like I've been doing any work right?!"

Nqubeko : "There's still a gala dinner to attend baby."

Me : "Nqubeko! For God's sake! I don't care about no damn dinner, Take me to the airport! I don't care if I lose this job too!" He sighs grabbing his car keys on the pedestal and follows me out carrying my bag.

Mr Ndamase : "Miss Ndaba, and now?!"

Me : "i'm going home."

Mr Ndamase : "I promise you Miss Ndaba, we working on this. By the end of the day you will be the topic of the past." I just look at him.

Nqubeko : "Nqobani, cut it out man!"

Mr Ndamase : "Okay fine. Safe travels Miss. Let us know when you have arrived home safely." I nod and get in the car. I think I should just make peace with the fact that I will never have any peace or harmony in Cape Town. I hate Cape Town!

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