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Milile pov:

I was feeling so anxious about Nqubeko's task, it didn't help that it's almost the end of the day and I haven't heard anything from him or about him. Mntungwa left in a hurry with my father and I had to stay back.

MaKhumalo: "Stop worrying my child. They will be here any minute now with him."

Me: "I just can't help it mah, I have this bad feeling deep in my gut and it's scaring me."

MaKhumalo: "Have some food then go take a nap babygirl." I sigh and try eating the food. I go to the kitchen and put the food away then proceed to the rondavel we were given to try and nap.

Just as I was about to drift off, a hard knock comes through. I go open and it's Babo

Me: "Babo!" I hug him tightly

Babo: "Hey babygirl. I'm here to fetch you."

Me: "Fetch me?"

Babo: "Yes, we have to go home."

Me: "Something happened?" He sighs

Babo: "It's no use hiding it. Yes babygirl, something happened." I feel my heart beat faster than normal.

Me: "What happened ?"

Babo: "Please calm down. Let's go sit first." We walk inside and sit on the bed.

Babo: "Nqubeko was shot.."

Me: "What?! When?!"

Babo: "While on his mission. He got shot by his father, we saw him on the cctv footage. Your father is hunting him down."

Me: "Where is Nqubeko? I mean how is he? Is he going to be alright? He has to Babo." I wail. I really hope he heals fast, I don't think I can cope without him. He has become such an important part of my life and we have so many plans to accomplish together.

Babo: "Get dressed and pack your stuff so we can go baby." I nod hiccuping.


Me: "Please drop me off at the hospital first Babo."

Babo: "Okay." he responds. The drive to the hospital is so quiet. We finally get there and I don't wait for him to oark the car, I rish inside and go straight to the reception desk.

Me: "Hi. My.. My husband was admitted here after he was shot.."

Receptionist: "Name."

Me: "Nqubeko Ndamase."

Receptionist: "Okay. You are Milile?"

Me: "Yes.."

Receptionist: "You listed as his next of kin. The doctor has been wanting to see you.."

Me: "Oh?"

Receptionist: "Yes so please head to the 2nd floor to his office. It's Dr Sibeko, his name is on his door."

Me: "Okay thanks." I jog to the lift.

Me: "Hi. I am Milile, here for Mr Nqubeko Ndamase." I say after he let me in.

Doc: "Oh please take a sit. I'm Dr Sibeko, his doctor."

Me: "How is he?" I ask as my water works again and the doctor hand some tissue.

Doc: "Uh we are not sure yet of what is going to happen with him because his wounds are very serious and severe. The one bullet almost penetrated his heart so it will be hard to actually take it out. He will need real surgery, we have only been able to remove the bullet in his stomach."

Me: "What are his chances of surviving?"

Doc: "The mortality rate for gunshot wound of the chest varies from 14.3% to 36.8%. 13.14 The mortality rate for our patients with gunshot wound of the heart was 24.5% and with stab wound, 11.5%. On the other hand, the mortality rate for noncardiac penetrating chest injury was 1.3% for gunshot wound and 0.4% for stab wound. So in overall his chances are slim." I just cry.

Me: "What happens if we don't perform the surgery?"

Doc: "He will have a lung disease and probably a severe heart condition that may affect him regularly."

Me: "Okay. You can do the surgery." I take a deep breath.

Doc: "That's a good decision ma'am. I promise to make sure he survives. Let me get the papers." he walks off after giving me a pat on the shoulder.

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