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Milile pov :

Staying with Sbu for the past weeks has proven to be peaceful, just that i'm always on the edge because I am not really used to this much peace so it tends to get uncomfortable for me. We had moved to Joburg two weeks back and we stayed in his flat, well more like I was the one occupying it because Sbu is mostly at his home and only comes to see me from time to time as a way to give me some privacy, his words.

The arranged marriage nonsense has been on mind, i've been thinking about if there's ever been any signs that i ignored maybe. Maybe there were the signs, maybe how he'd always be kissing my forehead or cheeks but honestly I always thought those were innocent.

Sbu : "What are you thinking about?" he asks walking in and settles next to me after placing his bag and takeaway bag on the table. He kisses my cheek then throws his arm around my shoulder.

Me : "Hey."

Sbu : "You good?"

Me : "Yes, are you good?"

Sbu : "You know i'm always good, just exhausted from work. I had a long day." Oh Sbu apparently got a job at his family's company. I never knew Sbu was from a well off family until recently.

Me : "Go take a bath and come eat."

Sbu : "I hope you didn't cook, I bought food."

Sbu : "nana, when are you going to be ready?" he asks as we cuddling. I pause and try to digest that question

Me : "I don't know Sbu." he sighs.

Sbu : "Okay but I can't wait forever baby, drought is killing me." I nod. I just turn the other way and try to dose off. I hear him also turn the other way. I really need to find some type of work to be able to do something for myself or I can use my savings. Yes, I will use my savings. Tomorrow I have to find a cheap place to rent then maybe start something small to generate some income until i find a job.

Sbu : "Baby? are you asleep?" he asks breathing heavily. I can even feel his rod getting stiff against my thighs. I keep quiet andbact as if i'm asleep. I hear him sigh then get out of bed. I peek a little and I see him getting dressed, he grabs his phone and presses it a few times then walks to my side. I quickly close my eyes. He kisses my cheek

Sbu : "I love you." he walks out. I sigh in relief when i hear the main door open and close. After a few minutes, I go and lock it then return to bed.


Sbu didn't come back the whole night and for the next few days. He didn't even call me to let me know that he had left that time. I also never bothered to call him. I was now on my way to the cafeteria I once saw down the road. I get inside and it is so quiet and cosy. I book one of the computers then go settle on the table waiting for my turn. I decide to read a book while waiting.

Voice : "Hey girl." I turn to the person and smile then greet back softly.

Girl : "Yoh! umuntu usazolinda la!! These people never want yo leave the bloody computer, you'd swear they don't know it." she says frowning, I smile a bit at that.

Me : "I'm sure it's not bad." she rolls her eyes.

Girl : "Anywho what are you here for?"

Me : "To draw up my cv. You?" l keep it short.

Girl : "Same here. Ey it's hard man."

Me and that girl kept on talking, she finally introduced herself as Khethelo. She mentioned that she knows a few rental places by her hood and she was willing to help me go door to door tomorrow to find a place for me.

I was now back at Sbu's flat l, I was busy cooking when the door opened and Sbu walked in.

Sbu : "Sho baby?" he kisses my cheek. He is smelling funny nje with a bit of a sweet perfume but I ignore that.

Me : "Hi. Why didn't you wake me up when you were leaving?" he keeps quiet for a few minutes looking spooked then clears his throat

Sbu : "Hayi man, you were sleeping so peacefully baby plus it was midnight anyway."

Me : "Kanti you left midnight?!" I ask acting shocked.

Sbu : "NO! I mean, I left very early and it would've been midnight for you baby angithi awusebenzi." he fakes a chuckle. I chuckle also sarcastically at the shade he just threw.

Me : "Mmh. Anyways, I might be moving soon."

Sbu : "Moving? where? for what nje?!"

Me : "I actually went out today and I bumped into my long lost aunt. I told her everything and she demanded that I move in with her, well after she sorts a few things out." I lie.

Sbu : "Ohh okay. As long as I'll still be able to see you nje mina." I fake a smile and nod. He kisses my cheek then walks off. I really hope I find a place tomorrow.

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