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Milile pov:


Today my little sister was married off just like that, mom was okay with it; bhuti also didn't do anything to stop his father's madness so I guess he was also okay with it. Who was I then with no backup to fight against my bully of a father?

Everyone was now sitting in the lounge talking about how beautiful Sandy's wedding was while i just sat quietly watching them. I wasn't at ease with this sham of a marriage and how that man looked at my sister.

Gogo : "Milile, why are you so quiet?"

Aunt : "Obviously she's jealous. I mean Sandiswa is younger than her and she is now married kodwa yena mudala kodwa lutho." I hate every single member of this cursed family, they are all so selfish and self centred.

Gogo : "Hhay Milile! Grow up! You should be doing everything in your power to make up for the disappointment you brought in this family! Do what ypur peers are doing, find a job and a husband man! Stop being jealous of your little sister and her achievements!" I keep my mouth shut. They talk as if they don't know how their brother treats us, as if they don't know how he sabotages everything I try to better myself just because he wants us all dependent on him so he can easily control us.

Mom : "Tell her maybe she will listen if it's you who's telling her." This one is the biggest snake because she acts all loving and sweet with us whenever her husband isn't around but once he comes back, she is as devilish as he is.

Bhuti : "Baba. I was thinking that Milile can go back to Cape Town with me so she can keep busy especially since Sandy is not here anymore."

Dad : "That is very fine son, you can take her. Milile go and pack, you heard your brother."

Gogo : "You better behave there and don't come back accusing your brother this time." I just go to my room without responding to any of them and start packing my stuff. When I was 14 years old, I almost got raped by my uncle and when I reported him to the family I was labelled a liar and a disgrace of a child because 'I was lying'. Aunt's daughter also reported a similar incident but for her it had went beyond, he raped her. They didn't believe her too because to them 'I influenced her to lie'. Unfortunately the child committed suicide, they didn't care. These people aren't humans because I don't think hunans are this cold.

Mom : "Are you done?" she asks walking in.

Me : "Almost." She closes the door behind her and sits on the bed watching me pack.

Mom : "I love you Milile." I glance at her and continue packing. She sighs standing up, pats my shoulder and walks out.


Mom : "Safe travels my kids." they hug with bhuti then she turns to me and hugs me but I don't return the hug. Dad talks to bhuti on the side leaving me and mom standing on the same spot

Mom : "I really meant what I said Milile. I love you my child." She says looking sincere but I know better than to fall for that. When bhuti comes back, we leave for our flight and I don't even bother bidding goodbye to my so called parents.

Bhuti : "You okay?" He asks after we have taken our seats in the plane. I just lean my head on the window and close my eyes to my imaginary world.

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