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Yesterday MaNgcobo pleaded that we spend the night. She continued to tell stories about Nqubeko's parents and promised to help him seek his father's real extended family as they might also have some things to share and probably some photos for him. She also cooked dinner and served us, we are while we were laughing at Nqubeko's childhood memories.

Me: "Baby. The door." He groans and stands up to go answer it.

Nqubeko: "I wonder who is it!" He wears his robe and hands me another one, we walk to the front door and meet MaNgcobo in the passage.

MaNgcobo: "These people and their lack of manners!" she stops us and opens the door herself.

Voice: "KaMapholoba. Ndlovukazi."

MaNgcobo: "kodwa Sotobe, so early in the morning!!?!" Nqubeko moves closer to the door and greets the man. They then let him in and settle in the lounge, I offer to make tea for them. I serve them the tea and sit next to Nqubeko.

MaNgcobo: "What brings here so early baba uSibiya?"

Sibiya: "Ey man Ndlovukazi, people are complaining about the noises coming from the bushes especially during midnight."

MaNgcobo: "What are you talking about?"

Sibiya: "A few huntsmen have menti seeing umkhovu by the bushes whenever they are hunting."

Nqubeko: "Umkhovu?!"

Sibiya: "Yebo ndodana. Our kids are now scared to gather woods for fires and they can no longer take some shortcuts to certain places because of this."

MaNgcobo: "Manje weSotobe, I don't what I can do about that because as you can see, I'm all alone in this house. Nqubeko came by to visit, I will try to arrange some men though to go in the woods and search."

Sibiya: "Actually me and some men are willing to do so. I was just here to ask for permission from you."

MaNgcobo: "Very well then. Do keep me updated and if ever you find that mkhovu, I will get Camagu to help with him or her."

Sibiya: "Ndlovukazi." He doesn't stand up to leave

Nqubeko: "If you aren't able to, let me know baba."

Sibiya: "Thank you son. Another thing Ndlovukazi, I don't know if you know but we have been seeing inkosi on the streets." He says looking nervous as Nqubeko stares at him.

MaNgcobo: "Angizwanga?! Where?!"

Sibiya: "He runs around everywhere and he doesn't look very well in the head Ndlovukazi. Most the times he is naked too."

MaNgcobo: "Oh nkosiyami!" she cries.

Nqubeko: "Thank you for letting us know baba, I will take care of it."

Sibiya: "Yebo, thank you for the tea makoti. Stay well."

Nqubeko: "Uhambe kahle baba." he walks him to the door while I try to comfort MaNgcobo.

MaNgcobo:  "Yazi, I have been questioning myself about all the stares I get from people and the whispers." she says still crying.

Me: "I'm sorry mah."

MaNgcobo: "Oh no my child, he deserves whatever he's going through. This is the results of all his actions."

Nqubeko: "Mah."

MaNgcobo: "No really Nqubeko, he killed your father then this?!" yes, Nqubeko shared everything with her.

Nqubeko: "..."

MaNgcobo: "And you not helping him with anything!"

Nqubeko: "Kodwa mah?"

MaNgcobo: "I have spoken Nqubeko so you better listen!"

Nqubeko: "I thought you loved him."

MaNgcobo: "I did until he drove all my kids away. Till date, I don't know where Qophelo is! uQaphela yena killed himself! You the only child I have left and nawe you have your own life. I hate that man with everything in me! He killed me in many ways."

Nqubeko: "I'm sorry mama. You won't lose me at all."

MaNgcobo: "I am going back to bed." she stands and leaves us looking at each other.

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