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Milile pov:

Today was really eventful. We have been sitting on these benches for the past four hours with no updates whatsoever from the doctors. I was laying my head on Nqubeko's shoulder

Me: "Don't you want coffee baby?" he shakes his head chewing on his lip.

Nqubeko: "No, I'm good sthandwa sami. You still okay? Not in any pain?"

Me : "I'm okay."

Nqubeko: "Let me go check if I don't find that doctor. We have to get you some sleep since tomorrow's the start of the ceremonies." I nod. As he was about to leave, the doctor shows up.

Doctor: "Mr Bandile Dlamini?"

Nqubeko: "Here. How is he doc? He's my brother."

Doctor: "He's critical but stable at the moment. We managed to get the bullet out and stop the bleeding, internally too. I think he will pull through but until then, could you please provide him some space to heal properly, I will keep updating you on his progress."

Nqubeko: "No problem doc. I alos want to get security for him since we still haven't found the person who did this to him."

Doc: "Very well sir, I understand."

Me : "I am really scared baby."

Nqubeko: "You don't have to be anymore. We will be fine." He was now driving to the traditional healer's home which is in the outskirts of Durban.

We finally got there and we were welcomed by a very beautiful voluptuous woman who was wearing in a very well-mannered way. Nqubeko parked the car not so far from the gate. The healer came out of one of the huts in the yard and stood just in front of the car. We both got out and walked to him, we greeted him

Healer: "Welcome to the Mntungwa household." he said smiling a bit. He led us to the big beautiful house that I assumed was the main house. It was really beautiful, clean and neat inside and out. We sat on the clean white couches and were served refreshments.

Mntungwa: "So your cleansing ceremony will take only a day then the next day we doing the naming ceremonies then another cleansing ritual for you both. The strengthening ceremony will take up to two days so I believe you both will be here for a week. "

Nqubeko: "No problem baba."

Mntungwa: "That means no sexual interaction between the two of you. Am I clear?"

Nqubeko: "Yebo baba."

Mntungwa: "If y'all fail to follow that rule then each time you both interact sexually, you pay a fine which is a white chicken." We both nod.

Mntungwa: "Please come this side so we can have lunch and you both can go rest in your hut." we follow him to the dining table where we find two young boys and a lady sitting while the woman who opened for us is placing the food on the table.

Me: "Do you need amy help mah?" i ask the woman.

Woman: "No it's okay my child. I'm done anyways."

Lady: "She never lets anyone help her woth the chores." I smile and nod taking my seat next to my man.

Mntungwa: "Okay this is my wife, MaKhumalo. My daughter, Thandazile, my sons, Bhekani and Sbongiseni. Family, this is Milile and Nqubeko; my spiritual children."

Sbongiseni: "It's nice to meet you bhuti nawe sisi." I smile at him.

MaKhumalo: "Okay this will be your room, don't worry about those men. They will be back in the evening. They have to get everything ready for the ceremonies so they will probably be back late."

Me : "Yes mah."

MaKhumalo: "Yes now get some rest. Thandazile will brimg some bath water for you."

Me: "Okay thank you." she smiles patting my shoulder then walks out.

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