Sanji One -shot

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"Idoit." I stated watching as Sanji started yelling at Kat for eating his sweets.

"I'm an idoit?!?" He shouted turning to look at me.

"Yes." Zoro stated before I a chance to say anything.

"No one asked you mosshead!!!" Sanji goes to attack Zoro and was knocked down by Kats fist. Her checks flushed and her brows twitching.

"And that is why your an idoit." I stated as Kat walked off...

"I'm confused..." He whispered raising up from the floor.

"Your an Idoit." Zoro stated obviously trying to make him mad.

"No, not that I'm an idoit. I meant that HOW am I an idoit." I sign as Zoro walked off.

"Your an idoit because you made Kat mad. Incase you haven't noticed NO one makes Kat mad. Not even the marines try to make her mad, but since she hates them it really doesn't matter what they do." I explain to the idoit how he's an idoit. I look at him to see him with a sad look that broke my heart. "Sanji look, it's not something to take so serious..." I whisper as he got up.

"If you excuse me I have somewhere I need to be..." He said obviously hurt but wouldn't admit it... It made me feel horrible about what I said.

------week skip----------

"Kat I feel really bad about it!" I whine still up-set about what happened with Sanji. But Kat being well... Kat, blew her hair out of her face.

"Just apologize. It only hurt so bad because he likes you back. Take me and Ace for example. We got into a fight. And after two months of not speaking we finally talked. And everything went back to... No, it was better then normal." She stated as she walked off, only to return minuets later dragging Sanji by the ear. "Talk." She said and walked off.

"I'm sorry, Sanji!! I didn't mean to hurt you! I really like y-" I got cut off with Sanji's lips.

"It's fine. Kat explained it before rudly trying to pull me ear off.... I like you too." He said with a goofy grin as he moved his crazy brows causing me to laugh. And with that we kissed again!

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