Itachi Uchiha One Shot

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"Your pregnant?" My eyebrow twitches as Kat questioned me while rolling around the floor laughing.

"Nah, I just lied about having a human in me!!" I shriek.

"How did it get in there?" I drop my head anime crying, because of all times Tobi had to show up.


"What's that, Kat-chan??"

"It's nothing Tobi!! Kat is just being a butt!!"

"Hmm..." He looked like he didn't believe me but nodded running off.

"I'm a butt?".

"If your a butt, your a hot one." I choke on spit while Kisame popped out of no where.

"Trinity!!" Kat freaked and started to pay my back.

"I'm good, really good. I just thought that Kisame and Itachi wouldn't be back for a few more days..."

"Ah, we got lucky. The man we were after ran into us." Kisame chuckled. "Well, more like Itachi."

"Is he okay?!"

"Now that you ask, I don't know for sure..."

"Oh my god, is he in our room??" I freaked out, big time.

"Yes." I ran down the hall burst into my room looking everywhere for my idiotic boyfriend.


"Ah!!" I gasp while Itachi wrapped his arms around my hips, lightly kissing my neck.

"What's wrong? Did I scare my baby?"

"You better be happy, I love you, too." I muttered turning towards him kissing him with passion. But before it went to far he looked at me strangly.

"Which one?"

"Huh?" I tilt my head to the side.

"Tobi caught me coming in and asked me how does one get a human in them, because Kat said it was sex. Then he said you said it was nothing. So, who's pregnant?" I awkwardly chuckle rubbing the back of my head.

"Well, you see Tobi wasn't suppose to hear any of that... He kinda walked in at the wrong moment." He sent me a playful glare.


"Yes, baby?"

"Answer the question." I sigh, looking him in the eyes.

"I'm having your baby Mr.Uchiha." Itachi's face lit up with life. He smiled brightly wrapping his arms around me, twirling us around.

"Good, I won't have antithetical woman having him."

"Him?" I question, I wasn't far enough along yet to tell.

"They say men are in control of what kind of baby they have. I think I may have made a boy." My face flushed looking at him.

"Idiot." He chucked kissing my cheek, while pulling over to the bed. We cuddled close, and I thought of something.

"Did that man really run into you guys?" Itachi looked surprised.

"Yea, did Kisame tell Kat he got cut?"


"Kisame, I'm going to beat your butt for not lying about who got hurt!!" Me and Itachi shared look before laughing.

"She going to kill him."

"Nah, just badly injure him."

"I love you, Itachi." He smiled at me.

"I love you too. And the baby."

"Me too." And from there we drifted into peaceful slumber.

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