Perverted Renji Abarai One-shot

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I hear the man I have long since fallen for's voice. "What the hell is going on?" He yells, as I look around and realize he's talking to a fighting Kat and Byakuya.

"Well, I don't know about you stupid, but I'm kinda trying to out best this idiot beside me!!!" My best-friend shouts, completely pissed.

"I think you might be confused. I'm trying to get a bitch to shut up." The guy who knows how to pull the right strings to piss her off. Kat had smoke coming out of her ears.

"The only Bit-"I heard Renji sigh.

"Will you two knock it off?"

"How bout you suck it?!" Kat shouted. Observably pissed that Renji just let Byakuya win their strange biker.

"Sorry, I'm straight." Renji smirked. By this time Renji was beside me.

"Oh, really?" Kat questioned and looked over at me. I have a feeling she's pissed at the thought of me not helping her with her and Byakuya's constant bickering.

"That's what I just said"stated Renji in a very deep voice that rocks me to my core.

"Well, in that case. Did you know my best friend over there finds you helplessly attractive? That every time your even a foot away that your voice rocks her very... Soul?" She said with an evil glint in her eye. Shit!!! She just told him I like him... I look up at Renji's flushed face. I took it as a bad sigh, but before I went any where Byakuya's voice cause me to halt in my process of turning around.

"Hey, bitch's best friend" I looked up at him trying to figure out wither to be happy that he didn't call me a bitch or mad because he called me a best friend of a bitch.

"Are you aware that Renji gets turned on by in his words a flowing velvet voice? That when in the same room as you, he get nerves about losing it and kissing your oh so kissable lips?" My face burned. Is what he said true? Suddenly I felt a hand grab my ass. I look up to see Renji inches from my face.

"You have no clue how long I wanted to do that, or this."

"What's t-" Before I could even think Renji was kissing me. I kissed back. He slide his tongue over my mouth wanting entrench. I wasn't stupid, but I wanted to tease him. So, I didn't open my mouth. But he made me gasp by surprisingly grabbing my ass again. He took his chance and slide his tongue in my mouth.

"I'd hate to interrupt here.." Me and Renji pull apart to look at Kat.

"But before I go I have to make sure to tell you..." Me and Renji share a confused look for a second before looking back at me best friend.

"But I thought I'd remind you to use protection!!!" She shouted. D-D-D-Did I hear her right?!!! I look at Renji to be confirm to see him with a major nose bled!!! That's it!! She is so gonna get it!!. I guess, she could see my murder intent and took off out the door with me on her heels.

Back with Renji and Byakuya
"You were thinking about seeing her naked weren't you?" Byakuya accused Renji.

"Uhhhh... Maybe.." Renji answer still suffering with a bleeding nose.

"Please use protection. The world isn't ready for baby Renji's just yet." The older man said before he left the room. Soon after Renji realized his captain just insulted him!!!

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