7- minutes in heaven -Byakuya Kuchiki

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Rangiku decieded  to have a big party, and like every other time I got dragged along. Lots of people showed up, some by choice, others by force. Within the first hour the party was in full swing.

"Hey, everyone!!"

"Speak of the devil..."I muttered, only to be ignored.

"We are playing 7 minuets in heaven!!" She squeled. Some people cheered, others groaned. I just sat and  glared at her. There was no way in hell I was going to play that! The chances of me getting someone I hate, are too  high!! "And I already put stuff in the hat for every man here!! And our first contestant is.. Who do you think, Yachiru?" She asked the adorable pink haired shinigami.

"Hmmm... I pick Aoi-chan!" I felt myself twitch, I change my mind. She's no longer cute.

"Then it's decieded! Aoi, pick an object!"


"Why?" I twitched, as she whined.


"Just get one!"







"If I pick an object, will you shut up?" I asked calmly.


"Fine, reach me the hat." I hissed. I felt around in it, everything felt the same. It felt like ribbons. So, I grabbed a random one. I pulled one out, to see that it was black with Sakura petals on it. It was beatiful, gorgeous. Rangiku's eyes widened, and she gasped.  Yachiru looked like a kid caught with its hand in the cookie jar. And a few others gasped, but I still had no  idea why. "Who did I get?!" I hissed, twitching.

"Uhh.. Well, you see... You got.."

"You got me." Oh, no! I turned to see the man I hate with a firery passion. Rangiku laughed nervously.

"I  got that thorn in the butt noble that makes me so mad!! That destroys my nerves when I'm in a three foot radios near him!" I growled. Why did fate hate me so  much?! I cried in my mind.

"Uhh... Well, you got Byakuya." She stated nervously. Byakuya, got up and went in the closet knowing if he didn't he'd have to hear a bunch complaining.

"No, dip Sherlock!" I groaned..

"You have to go in." Yumichika stated, as he and baldy stood next to me.

"Like heck I  do." I growled and stated to walk away, only to be grabbed and threw into the closet. I landed on my face, causing my nose to bleed. I growled again.

"You id-" Before I could finish they slammed the door in my face. "I swear when I get out of here, im gonna beat everyone of you!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"I think itd be wise for you to shut up." I slowly turned my gaze upon my closet mate for the next seven minuets.

"I'm glad you  think you can tell what to do!"

"Why are you so impossible?" He slightly growled at me.

"Me? Impossible? Haha!!" I started to laugh my butt off.

"Yes, you.  Someone says one thing to you and you explode like a bomb." He stated.  I began to twitch all over again.

"Shut  up!! You don't know anything!!" I growled, feeling my body shake.

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