Sanji One Shot

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"You are beautiful, Nami-Swan!!" My face heated up in embarrassment and anger, as Sanji went full flirt mode with Nami. I looked towards the ground. "Also!!" My eyes glanced up in hope, that was soon shattered. "Robin-Swan you too are beautiful!" Hearts started flying from his head making me feel even more upset. He looked at me for a second, before his face turned towards Kat.

"You say it, I'll kill you." I made a face of disbelieve at her, what I would have given for Sanji to even consider paying me a compliment.

"You are something else, I sometimes question if your even woman." Sanji lit up a cigarette (which I'm allergic to), as Kat snorted.

"I am a woman, ask Shanks he knows that all to well." Kat snorted grabbing me by the hand dragging me away, Nami and Robin close behind. We reach the kitchen where Kat locked the door, a sour face on.

"How you doing?" It was Nami who asked in a soothing voice, gently petting my hair.

"Horrible!" Tears started to run down my face, making me feel pitiful, and from the looks I was getting I probably looked worse.

"It's okay, he's a man. They are idiots you know!" It was Robin, who made me smile.

"Yea, take it from me." Kat snorted, more than likely referring to her failing to get Shanks to say yes to dating her. That was about 2 ago, it was around the time we lost Ace. That itself struck hard, and once Ace was gone and Kat was depressed Shanks refused to have anything to do with her. She still hasn't let it go.

"I just don't know how our plan hadn't worked."


My eyes glanced frantically from the secret girl meeting that Kat called. That itself was frightening.

"What am I doing here?" I muttered glancing between the girl, two of three giggled and the last smirked.

"I noticed the looks you were giving Sanji during dinner, and I pointed them out to Robin. And we decided that you have great feeling for our cook."

"I'm allergic to him." Kat snorted and started laughing her butt off, while the other two just looked confused.

"Your allergic to cigarette smoke, you idiot!!NOT Sanji!!" I pouted slightly, there goes that plan.

"What happens if you inhail it?"

"I get really sick, and have trouble talking and breathing?" Robin nodded at the answer, while Nami just looked worry.

"Do you react often to it?" She tilted her head to the side.

"Only when he breathes in my face."


"Anyway, you are here because we have come up with a plan to get you and stupid cook together." I sweatdropped, I think she's been forced into spending too much time with Zoro. Kat nodded towards Nami.

"We will be stopping at a village around 2 in the evening tomorrow, and once we arrive we dismiss ourself from the others and go shopping." Nami squealed making me sweatdrop.

"From there we will get you prepared to talk to Sanji. We will all be dressed up as to not arise suspicion, but the most detail will go to you." Robin smiles at me, making me smile back.

"Then we come back here where Sanji had better, give a compliment to you or else I'll beat him." My face turned to one of disbelieve, as I started shaking my hands.

"You can't kill him!!"

"I'm not going to dummy." Kat punches me in the head. She then walked over to the door and unlocked it. "Just badly injure him." My face turned into an o, but before I could protest she walked out the door calling the meeting to a close.

Back to now

"I'm going to beat him," Kat muttered darkly.

"No!! I love him and don't want him hurt.."

"Boo, just because you love someone doesn't mean you shouldn't let them have a taste of pain! That's how we learn, that's how we function. This is your third romance. This one will work out, though." She stalked over towards the door, before looking back at me. "I have lost one love to death, the other to the ignorance of man. I don't want you to fall in the ways that I have. It's been two years since I lost them both, and it'll be years to come before I allow the third in. Take it from me, pain will do him good." Kat walked out leaving the room quiet. Robin and Nami looked at me.

"You okay?"

"Yea, I think I just need some time alone..." They nodded and left.

2 hours later

"Hmm..." I muttered slightly feeling someone beside me running their long finger through my hair. So, it marked out Kat,Chopper,and Brooke. Raising up I was meet with the love of my life, who looked guilty. He had a bruised cheek and a bleeding lip. My eyes widened. "Did Kat do that?"

"What does it matter?"

"It just does!!" I shout, pulling out a mini bandaid kit that I learned to carry around when Kat sliced her arm open on Zoro's sword. I'm not even sure how she did that... I reach out cleaning his lip.

"No, it doesn't."

"It does!"

"Why?!" He shouted back, making me sigh while I placed bandaids on his cheek and lip.

"It matters because I love you and don't want Kat hurting you over me." Sanji's eyes widened slightly before he started to cry. "What's wrong??" I started checking him frantic for wounds I couldn't see. Wheres Chopper when I need him?!

"It's just that... I've been a jerk to you... I thought you didn't want anything to do with me, and that made me want to make you feel bad.." Sanji looked away.

"Well, you have been a jerk." Sanji looked down. "But jerk or not, I love you and I don't want you hurt."

"I love you too.." He looked at me with honest eyes. He kissed my forehead running his hands through my hair. "And you are more beautiful then all the woman in the world combined, I smiled. Maybe Kat was right about the pain. I peeked up at his cheek automatically feeling embarrassed about it. Nah, she was still wrong.

Anime one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora