Kiba Inuaza One Shot

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"Dog breathe!!"



"If I hear one more insult come out of anyone's mouth, I swear I will electrocute every single one of you!!!!" Mimi screamed at me and Kiba, while everyone one else in the room just backed away.

"But Mimi!! Kiba is being mean to mean!!" She growled slightly at my yelling.

"I don't care how much you two love each other, or how you want to out best the other to see who loses control and kisses the other!!" Mimi throws her hands in the air.

"Man, she yells more then my mom... And Tsunade..."

"Excuse me?!!l" Mimi gets a deadly aurora around her.

"Mimi..." Kakashi wrapped his arms around Kat, while Tsunade sighed.

"How many times have i told you, not to try and kill the students?"

"More then she can count." I snort and start laughing at Kiba's big mouth.

"Why you lit-" Kakashi tightened his grip on Mimi.

"Kiba, Miyuki please get the hell out of my office." Tsunade sighed, while Mimi kept trying to realease herself from my sensei.

"K!!" I grab Kiba and run as far form that I room as I could get. Only stopping when we reach a little field. "Do you enjoy almost dying?!"

"Do you really have any room to talk?" I growl at Kiba and pounce on him sending us both to the ground.

"I have plenty of room to talk! It's wasn't me Mimi was trying to kill!!"

"Yea, well it's not me that tried and failed to get their best friend and their sensei together! Then got wacked for it!"

"Shut it!!" I punch Kiba in the head, while I sat on his stomach. "It isn't my fault the two are too stupid to realize they like one another." I grumble.

"So they are like us?" I glance down at him, but looked away.

"Yea, exactly like us." Kiba smiled and leaned forward kissing me.

"Maybe not exactly..." He smirked, deeping the kiss.

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