Kiba Inuaza one shot

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"I hardly remember a time when we weren't fighting." I stress to Kat, who only nodded kicking her legs back and forth.

"Well, the love of your life might fight with you, but he fights FOR you also. As for my love life..." She trails off looking away. "The man I love, wouldn't be able to stand me. I want to seriously injure his baby brother who he cares for most in the world." She sighed, looking off into the distance at the sunset.

"It'll workout!!" I rub her shoulders as she only sighed.

"Trinity-chan!!!" My whole body twitches at the sound of his voice. And one of Kats favorite phrases came to mind, You speak of the devil, and he shall appear.

"What do you want Kiba?"

"Your see later!!" He grabbed my hand, dragging me away from a highly depressed red head. He drug me away to the middle of a forest, with candles everywhere. A box was in the middle with holes in it.

"What is this Kiba?"

"It's for you." I seen the love in his eyes, that Kat has been trying to convince me of since we came here.

"Why me?"

"Because I love you Baka!" He sighed pulling me to the box. Which started to move and make sounds. A smile spread across my lips. I knew that sound.


"Aweee!!! They are sooo cute!!" I squealed playing with the inuaza's new clan puppies.

"They are, aren't they?" Anna, Kiba's sister agreed laughing at my childishness.

"Then just buy one." Kiba sighed looking at me, with a pointed look.

"I don't have enough money right now to get one. And even if I did my bills are piling up, so we'd be living on the street." Kiba sighed at me once again.

Back to now

I removed the lid to see a beautiful golden puppy, with eyes like the ocean. I remember her well. She was priced the highest. With wide eyes I looked at Kiba.

"She's yours, you should name her."

"But she was so much!! I couldn't possibly!!"

"Just name her!! I have Akamaru!! And it's obvious you love her!" A shy smile spread across my lips while I pulled her out of the box.

"I like Akemi..." I whispered, petting her.

"Then her name is Akemi." I looked at Kiba.

"You have made me so happy, Kiba!" I throw my arms around his neck.

"At least you know now that I love you and don't hate you." A blush spread across my cheeks.

"I love you too." With that we kissed under the darkening sky with a sleeping puppy in my lap

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