Tragular D. Law sad one shot

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"What is you problem, Law?!" Sango screamed at the death lord, as he pushed her out of his way.

"You were in my way and I simply removed you."

"Why are you such a jerk?" She hissed, clinching her fists as her sides.

"Why are you such a worthless b****?" He smirk as the girls face stared to become red.

"Law I swear I will make you bleed all over this floor!!"

"I would love to see you try." Law flipped the girl off, a smirk still on his lips.

"Damn you." Rango pulled at her orange hair, stalking a way from the smirking man.

Time skip

"Why does she enjoy being a bitch?" Law questioned leaning against Bepo who only shook his his head.

"Law, have you tried to understand her?"

"Understand her?" Law snorted looking at the white bear. "I don't want to be near her most of the time, so why would I want to understand her?" Bepo only struggled making Law look away in thought.

Else where
"Everywhere I go everyone holds great respect for him and doesn't question why he treats some people like dogs..." Sango hissed dragging a thin blade across her arm, being amused by the stream of blood that bubbled out. "He doesn't care about others feelings, well damn him. I knew I shouldn't have wasted my only chance at love on him. I knew that it would only end badly." Sango cut deeper on her shoulder, and the blood mixed on the floor. "I should really stop..." She cut once more before slinging the blade away.

"Sango!!!!!" The girl jumped slightly at the banging on her door.

"W-what?!" She shouted out.

"What the hell you doing in there?! I've been knocking for the past half hour!!" Sango shook her head looking at her cuts. They were still bleeding, with the edges hardened. Her clothes were soaked with the red.

"I fell asleep!!"

"Well, get your ass in gear and meet up with Law!" Sango sighed, though she responded like she knew, she couldn't place the voice. She shrugged, changing from the bloody clothing to dark and less revealing clothing.

Back to Law

"Why was I so rudely woke up?!"

"What are you talking about?" Law looked at Sango like she was pure ignorant.

"You sent someone to wake me up, and tell me you wanted to talk!!"

"No. I did no such thing."


"Are you stupid or hard at hearing?" The girl scowled at Law. "I said I sent no one for you. I didn't want to speak to you."

"Ohh..." Sango muttered as she closed her eyes. The world was starting to spin, she was tired and could barely breathe.

"What are you doing?" Law watched the girl raise her hand up digging her nails into her throat. He moved closer to the girl, confusion clear on his face.

"It was the fru-it.." She gasped, her eyes shooting open. Her body started to fall forward. Law caught her, feeling liquid leak onto him. He placed her on the ground, looking at his hands.

It was blood. Scarlet blood. Laws eyes widened. He'd had human blood on him, but never someone who existed near him.

"What??" He jerked open her shirt, finding deep wounds that moved against her skin. They turned and shaped something that let his mouth hanging open. Her wounds left a bloody heart in the middle of her stomach. In it formed the words 'Love only kills in the end'. He slowly reach forward to touch the wounds...

"LAW!!!" The man jumped slightly, looking towards a very loud mouthed teen.

"What were you thinking about?!"

"Nothing, Luffy."

"Are you sure?!"


"Oh... You were crying!" Laws eyes widened at the boys information. He reach up, only to find his face was moist.


"Luffy!! There's land!!!" A little reindeer popped out of no where with a bunch of idiots with him.

"Oh yes!! We can get more meat!!" With that Luffy left Law to think of that one Valentine's Day that a member of his crew played with her fate and only bleed in the end.

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