Kisuke Urahara one-shot

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"Any questions?" Kisuke asked, he just explained exactly what he was going to do to teach us how to become soul reapers. Kat rouse her hand up.

"Kat, put your hand down!" I whisper/ yelled at her. Knowing her she was gonna start a fight with Kisuke, to try and anger him... Again... Last time I ended up stuck staying at Kisuke's because no one could come near her. Well... Chad could... But let's not get into that.

"Yes, Kat?" I was snapped out of my thoughts only to find Kat never put her hand down.

"Are you in a relationship?" I sweatdrop at her. Why did she have to be weird?

"That has nothing to do with the lesson, but no. Why?"

"I'm gaining information. I 'love' information. Anyway, are you interested in someone?"

"What is this 20 questions?"

"Yes, now shut up and answer the damned question."

"Yes, I'm interested in a person."

"Are you gay?" I almost fell over from laughing so hard. And I was slightly embarrassed since I like the dude.


"Are you positive?"


"Give me candy."


"Wasn't a question."

"The answer is still no."


"As if."

"Fuck you."

"You'd love to, wouldn't you?"

"No, but I know someone who would."

"Do you now?"

"Yes, dumbass."


"How the fuck do I get my Zapato outta the sheath?!" She yelled, trying to jerk her sword out of it's container. I started laughing. Kisuke looked at me, and I blushed. Which caused him to wink. He looked back at Kat and sweat dropped.

"How did you manage to get your sword stuck?"

"How the fuck am I suppose to know?! It just fucking happened."

"You are the only person in the universe who could do that."

"Wanna go bitch?!" And Kat once again fails at keeping her cool with Kisuke. She lunged at him, as he just smirked. But Chad grabbed her... I forgot he was even here. He walked off with her yelling and screaming. I laughed all over again, cause though she was screaming, she looked like she was enjoying herself.

"She sure is something..."

"Yup. She means well, she just has a temper."

"Why was she asking so many questions?" I could feel my face start to burn... I knew the answer, but that didn't mean I wanted him to know it. "Well?"

"Uhh... Well, you see.... I uh... She was... And I umm..." He started to laughs

"So, I take it you like something, or particularly someone. Right?" God, I'm going to kill her... I slowly nodded. "Thought, so. And who is the lucky guy?" I tried to look away from him, but he pulled my gaze back to him. "Tell me."


"Fine. I'm going to try something, if you like it do it back, and if you don't slap me." I slowly nodded confused. He leaned forward and pushed his lips againest mine. They fit amazingly well together. I kissed back. After minuets we had to pull back for much needed air. "So, you do like me."


"We did it!!" I heard Kat squeal behind me. I turned to look at her, to see she was still slung over Chad's shoulder, and was... Dancing.....

"Yea, we did." Muttered Kisuke.... Me and him both sweat dropped at Kat, while Chad was looking at her and trying to keep her from falling.... It was slightly amusing.

Kisuke wrapped his arm around me.

"You guys planned this out?" I asked suddenly putting pieces together.

"Yes, we did. And now your my girl." He kissed me slightly. "By the way, it took two days for me to understand your nutjob of a friend." I laughed so hard.

"So, her getting her sword stuck was part if the plan?" I asked curious.

"No... I'm not sure what happened there... It's litterly physical impossible to get your Zapato stuck in it's casing..." He muttered. And I was back to laughing. He looked at me and smirked, once again kissing me.

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