Kakashi Hatake One Shot

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"Sensei? Sensei? Sensei? Sensei? Sensei? Sensei?"

"How long has she been at that?" Sasuke sighed, watching as Kat kept poking their old Sensei.

"2 hours." His newly wed sighed also.

"What, is it Kat?" Kakashi gave in and asked the firey red head.

"Are you dating anyone?" She tilted her head to the side, causing Kakashi to give her a annoyed look.


"Oh.... Do you have a friends with benefits thing going on?" Sakura and Sasuke feel over, anime dropping at their friends question.

"No. What is with all these questions?" Kakashi sighed, placing his book to the side giving Kat his full attention. Her face got flushed and she looked like she was about to cry.

"N.. No r-reason." Her face got even redder as her eyes met his.

"There's a reason or else you wouldn't be questioning me so much." Kakashi got off the ground, leaning closer to Kat. "And I see it as one of two reasons. Either one, you have a friend who likes me." Kat turned her nose up in disapproval. "Or two, you like me. And by that face is take that as a yes." Kats face got flushed and she ran off. "Kat!!" He yelled after her, his face filled with confusion.

"Kakashi, you idiot!!!" Sakura slammed her fist into Kakashis head, steam coming from her ears. "Why'd you have to do a boneheaded trick like that?!"

"Sakura." Automatically the girl calmed down, looking at Sasuke in confusion. "Bows not the time to injury our old Sensei."

"Right... I need to go find Kat, before she finds Naruto." Sakura knew how Naruto reacts to an upset Kat. The loud mouth becomes louder.

Time skip, brought to you by Kisame 🎣

'Knock, knock'

"Hm? What is it?" Kakashi opened his door to a very lost blonde headed hokage.

"Have you seen Kat?"

"No, why?" Worry began in the pit of Kakashis stomach.

"I think she's missing!!"

"What do you mean 'missing' Naruto?!" Kakashi shouted slightly, ready to run out the door.

"I mean, no one has seen her for a week!"

"Great..." Kakashi took off out the door, wishing someone would have mentioned it before now. "I have got to find her quickly..." Kakashi bit his thumb and summoned Pakkun.

"What is it Kakashi?"

"I need you to find Kat."

"You mean the feisty little red headed girl, that tried to fight against Tsunade?" Pakkun tilted his head to the side.


"Alright, follow me..." Pakkun started to sniff the ground, trying to pick up the girls scent.

Time skip

"Are you sure she's here?" Kakashi asked in worry and slight fear.

"Fairly sure. She should be behind the waterfall. Now I'm going to go take a nap." Pakkun disappeared leaving a poof of smoke.

"Well,now or never..." Kakashi dove into the water, swimming towards the waterfall and under it. Once he came up on the other side he was gasping for breathe, but slightly relieved to see his red head sitting there staring at him.

"How did you find me?" She whispered, pulling her knees to her chest.

"Magic." He smirked, as she smiled slightly. He walked towards her, bending down in front of her. "Why did you run away?"

"Because I didn't think you wanted to see me anymore, now that you know."

"What?" Kakashi chuckled a little, as the girls face flushed. She went to cover it, but he stopped her. "I always knew, I just didn't want to mention it. I would have been seen as a horrible Sensei and you as a little giver. But not a giver of good...." Kakashi whispered, his finger slidding under her chin.

"So... Does that mean?"

"Yes..." He whispered, as his lips touched hers. Kats eyes widened slightly, because she didn't notice him lower her mask. Though, she soon forgot about the mask and many other things.

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