Zoro Roronoa one shot

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"I don't know... It doesn't look exactly like moss..."

"Tree leafs."



"Your not even trying now!!" Kat yelled at me. For the past TWO hours she has made me take with her about what kinds of colors were involved with Zoros appearance. Apparently there's a lot of different types of greens.

"I'm done guessing!! How bout we just ask him what colors he has on him!!" I throw my hand up in the air.

"Trinity!!" I look at Kat who gave me a glare. "That would be rude!!"

"As if talking about someone isn't any ruder." I turn my head to look at Zoro, laughing as Kats face became one of embarrassment.

" I'm just going to... Yea..." She stalked off a face of frustration.

"How long have she kept you captive?"

"Well, that depends. How long she had me talking about what colors were involved with you? Or how long overall?"


"Uhh... 2 hours over colors. And about 10 in all." Zoros face became one of shock.

"What did she have to talk to you about?!"

"Ace, for the first hour. The rest was pretty well trying to get us together." A smirk fell over his lips as he sat next to me, wrapping his arm around me.

"Doesn't she realize that she can't get people together, if they are already together?"

"I never told her we were together."

"Oh, that's evil."

"No, I just never had the time to tell her. Got lost, confused an dazed in the process of attempting to tell her."

"Oh." With that he pulled me closer to him, kissing me slightly.

"I HATE YOU TWO!!" I tilted my head to the side to see Kat red in the face pointing at us. A sly smile spread across my lips.

"Hi Kat."

"I need Booze." With that she walked off to get into Sanji's secret booze cabinet.

"Wasn't the last time she drunk, ending with her dancing like a belly dancer?" I started laughing my butt off.

"Yes. Yes it did. And I will always love that memory."

"It was pretty funny."

"Yea, until she got up the next morning and Luffy tried to convince her to do it again." Zoros face was red from laughing.

"She punched him over board and froze him in the middle of the ocean."

"There is nothing funnier then having to find Ace to unfreeze his brother, while fighting with Kat."

"I don't know, your pretty funny."

"Cruel. Your just cruel."

"Thanks." He leaned closer kissing me again.

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