“Miss Monad, when did you arrive in the capital?”

“How is Duke?”

“I sent you an invitation to the tea party the other day, but I don’t know if you received it.”

“I will be terribly upset if you continue to refuse.”

After taking a deep breath, Juliet turned around and responded with a smile.

“I’m a little busy. I appreciate the invitation, but I have to decline.”

It was a smiling face, but it was a clear line drawing attitude.

They are meaningless people anyway. Juliet was well aware of what they were talking about behind her back.


“Do you really believe that you will become a Duchess?”

A few years ago, when Juliet Monad appeared for the first time escorted by Duke Carlyle, people were shocked.

First of all, Juliet Monad was the only daughter of a count family with a history.

Although the Monads were a family with nothing to present except that they were the founding contributors in the past, Juliet’s status was absurdly high compared to the Duke’s lovers in the past.

Besides, until then, the lovers of Duke Carlyle were all dazzling, splendid types of beauties. On the other hand, Juliet Monad was an elegant beauty with delicate eyes as if drawn with a brush.

Those who clearly remembered Duke Carlyle’s tastes were puzzled.

Count Monad and his wife were decent people, and their only daughter, Juliet, was also far from gossip. On the other hand, what about Lennox Carlyle?

He was the Duke of the North, the center of all sorts of rumors and gossip.

However, a girl from a ruined noble family appeared at the ball holding Duke Carlyle’s hand. And was also a dazzlingly beautiful young lady.

“It seems that the Duke’s taste has changed.”

“Really, how far will we go this time?”

Embarrassed for a while, people soon were excited and chattering.

Even if the topic of conversation has changed, in reality everything remains the same. The moment she foolishly took the hand of Duke Carlyle, Juliet Monad’s end was decided.

As high as he was, her downfall would also be miserable. Juliet Monad has become an easy prey for socialites to bite off.

“What a pity that you are overwhelmed with such dreams.”

“The death of the Count and Countess has become quite an interesting topic.”

There was mockery under the guise of sympathy.

People bet on how many months it would take Juliet Monad to be abandoned by the Duke. Everyone laughed at the foolish Countess and expected her downfall.

But a month passed, and then another.

Even though the seasons passed and the years changed, the expected news didn’t come.

Juliet Monad was still in the North, and she was still the Duke’s lover.

People were disappointed.

Of course, no one believed that the Duke might really be in love.

The only ducal family in the Empire who is not of the imperial’s blood. To be the hostess of such a ducal family, the Monad count family was far from lacking.

Forgotten Juliet / 잊혀진 줄리엣 Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum