Chosen Mate

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     Vampires claiming their chosen mates were always notable events. Almost like weddings, they usually planned the size and grandeur of the event based on the couple's preferences. However, the coven leader claiming a chosen mate was a huge event, because the chosen mate would also be their second in command. The skyscrapers had concert halls, but none that were anywhere near the scale of what this event would be on.

     It was even more poignant for this coven, because Phukong had never made such an announcement. Those old enough to have been alive during Phukong's era knew he had a mate, but since they were fighting for peace between the species, they never had the chance to claim each other as chosen mates.

     And, of course, Sarawat had chosen to live his life mateless while he waited for his soulmate to return, so this would also be the first announcement Sarawat would ever make of this kind. This meant that for most of the coven, unless they had seen an event from a neighboring coven, which was rare, had never witnessed an event where the coven leader would announce their chosen mate.

     Sarawat had made the announcement for the event the day Tine had awoken and agreed to set it two weeks out. Not only did almost all the coven members that were living in the skyscrapers plan to attend, but the many members they had throughout the world working on foreign projects were booking flights to rush there in time for it. There were a few that couldn't attend for various reasons, but the event was also being recorded live and was being projected onto the outer surfaces of the skyscraper buildings, so it could be easily and conveniently seen by everyone.

     The only place big enough to host such an event was the park that the skyscrapers surrounded. The six skyscrapers were arranged in a circle with a several-block radius of an outdoor park in the middle. Of course, the main human world knew nothing about the world of vampires, so to prevent humans from hearing about supernatural things from a very loud and outside event, Pear had several seers' aid.

     There were several seers who could cast glimmers around the perimeter of the skyscrapers that would allow the park to be viewable, but it would seem empty and would have a block that would alter people's desire to go in so they would not want to approach it for the evening.

     Tine had found the talent amazing that it existed, but also interesting since it reminded him of a similar spell wizards could cast in the Harry Potter novels to detract muggles from stumbling into their huge events. When Tine made the observation aloud, Sarawat said that vampires came first, so it was obviously their talent first and the Harry Potter novels had gotten the idea from vampires, not the other way around.

     While the event was getting closer, Tine had made sure to send a gift of a huge television down to Pam's cell so she could watch the event in high definition. None of them were stupid enough to let her attend and risk her getting free. They tried to get Mil to come to the event and leave Pam with a couple of guards, but Mil refused. He told Tine and Sarawat that his presence would not make a difference whether he was in the crowd or in the dungeons and honestly he wanted to make sure that Pam witnessed every moment so he could watch Pam eat her heart out with a spoon while the two men flaunted their forever.

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