Pieces Falling

510 38 71

     Type and Man on the way to Tine's family estate...

     Man was a 5000-year-old child. He was easily bored, easily distracted, and he was easily pleased. When he was in bodyguard mode, he was unshakeable. It was like a switch was flipped, a switch that Type sometimes wished wouldn't unflip, because when Man was in bodyguard mode, he was quiet; he was stealthy, and he was more reasonable. However, when Man was in regular mode, he could be a whole mood. Right now, he was sulking like a petulant child because Type was doing things he didn't understand and he wasn't telling Man why.

     Man sat in the passenger seat with his arms folded across his chest and let out a sigh of frustration as Type took another random turn that made no sense. They were supposed to be in a hurry, but instead of taking the quickest route, Type was steering them through a maze straight through unusually high traffic zones. Man had already tried to get Type's attention three times to find out why Type suddenly forgot their destination, but Type was too focused to pay attention to Man. They were losing precious time and, as Man was getting ready to protest, yet again, Type's voice cut through his thoughts. "Babe. Can you call Sarawat for me, please?"

     Man frowned at Type, but he did as he was asked and while Type continued to steer the car through a maze of sidestreets, Man grabbed his cell phone and attempted to make several calls. Man furrowed his brow as each call he made went straight to voicemail and he reached for Type's phone to try, only to achieve the same results.

     Man's levels of frustration rose as the overall stress of the situation kept him in a constantly alert, paranoid state of mind, and now Type was driving like a glitched out GPS, and Man couldn't get ahold of anyone at the coven or the team at Tine's family estate. "I can't. My calls aren't going through. It keeps going straight to voicemail. Same with Boss and Tine, and I don't have Pear and Earn's numbers. And why is there more traffic going out of the city than going into the city?" He whined, unable to keep his frustrations and anxiety from leaking in his tone.

     Type was unusually calm. He had already tried to call Sarawat on his phone and he hadn't gotten through. He had simply asked Man to try so he could analyze the situation they were in. "There's an all day festival at the far end of the city today," he said patiently, watching his mirrors for the motorbikes that had been trying unsuccessfully to hide the fact that they were taking every random twist and turn that Type did.

     Man huffed, not realizing the situation they were in and complained about the inconvenience of the festival. "And it couldn't be on the other side of the city where we don't need to drive through. It had to be straight through where we need to go?"

     "Man, I have no intention of listening to you whine for the next two hours. Find something to occupy yourself with for the time being. It is what it is," Type said, a little harsher than normal, more focused on what was happening around them.

     Man huffed. "But can't you go any faster? You aren't even going the right way. You keep on making all these random fucking turns and making it take longer. If you don't know where you're going, just say so and I'll drive," he quipped, irritation leaking through him and slipping into his overall tone.

     Type sighed. "I know where I'm going, babe. The random turns were to verify something."

     Man put his arms down and raised an eyebrow. Type wasn't the one to fuck around when shit was serious. Man had thought earlier Type's random turns were either in response to the traffic or because he was getting lost, but doing it to verify something meant something was up. "And what was that?" Man asked, his mind switching into bodyguard mode simply by the tone in Type's voice.

     Type maintained his stoic, serious face as he responded, "It was to verify that we are being followed," as though their being followed was as mundane as the weather forecast.

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