Guntithanon Skyscrapers

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     Sarawat held the door of his Aston Martin DBS Superleggera sports car open for Tine to climb into after they left Joss and Luke's. Sarawat leaned down and buckled Tine in, giving him a kiss on the cheek before closing the door and climbing into the driver's seat. He looked over at Tine with excitement in his eyes. "Are you ready?" he asked, with an almost tangible giddiness radiating from him.

     Tine smiled timidly in the face of Sarawat's obvious excitement, curious to know what Sarawat had in store for him. "Ready for what?"

     Sarawat gave Tine a radiant smile. "To see the empire that I built for you," he responded simply, letting the emotional gravity of his statement settle in the car as he spurred it to life and sped into the heart of the city. As Sarawat drove, he told Tine along the way, all about the Guntithanon Skyscrapers, the crowning glory of Guntithanon Industries, and detailing the empire he'd built not only for his coven, but for Tine as well.

     There were 6 skyscrapers. Each of them having over 100 floors and while there were 40 floors in each building that were dedicated solely to business and executive offices, the rest of the building's floors were condo suites, restaurants, and living amenities for his coven. Sarawat had built his empire so everyone had the freedom to make their own choices and be the best versions of themselves they could be, while also making sure they were well cared for and protected.

      While it was not a requirement for coven members to live in the skyscraper buildings, many of them lived in the building they worked in. Most of them choosing to stay in the skyscrapers for safety, convenience, and to remain close with their fellow coven family. There were, of course, still some who chose to live in their own homes away from the Guntithanon Skyscrapers, and some who lived in a skyscraper that was separate from their work building, either for personal preference, to live with their mates, or if they had changed trades and decided not to move if their new trade resided in a different building.

     They linked each skyscraper with an underground lot running below the buildings that allowed people to pass from skyscraper to skyscraper without having to step on the main city streets. There were also skywalks on several floors that allowed easier travelling between buildings while also strengthening the core of the skyscrapers. Each skyscraper had a business theme, but even with specific themes designated to each skyscraper, there were always crossover projects between the different skyscrapers and business sectors to keep the six skyscrapers both separate within their own themes and unified as a whole.

     There was the entertainment skyscraper for their branch into the entertainment, gaming, and media industries. They had their own entertainer and media agency that employed several actors, musicians, and models, along with news media and news anchors. They produced both tabloid and current affair news. They also branched into the gaming and streaming industries as well. The entertainment skyscraper also worked in hotels, resort and resort amenities, theme parks, and dining industries.

     They had a skyscraper for the trade and retail industries, which was where they hatched marketing ideas and sold different products throughout various markets, from grocery stores to luxury fashion lines. They sold and marketed for both the general market and to the industrial market. This was also where local, national, international, and foreign trades were handled, along with their shipyards and airport hangers.

     The architecture and real estate skyscraper was where they built homes, apartments, condos, warehouse buildings, and industrial buildings. They built and sold them and branched into general real estate from the industrial to the average homebuyer. This was also where the land surveyors and property estimators lived. Their real estate even stretched as far as ships, yachts, and water homes, from both residential to industrial scales.

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