Not So Soundproof

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     Tine was lost in his own internal monologue when he felt Sarawat hook Tine's chin and push his face upward. Sarawat had some wipes on his desk and was using them to wipe away the concealer Tine had on his neck. "Really, I understand why you covered my marks when we went to see your mother, but did you really have to hide them at the university, too?"

     Tine chuckled. "It's unprofessional to teach with my neck marked up like a cheetah, Sarawat. I take my teaching seriously, and I can't expect them to take me seriously if I look like I just walked off the set of a porn film. Not that you mind since you didn't even try to hide my marks. Has no one said anything to you about your neck?" Tine asked curiously, wondering what Sarawat's coven thought of their leader and CEO walking around covered in hickeys.

     Sarawat leaned in and kissed Tine's neck. "Not a word baby, most of the people I work with wouldn't say anything even if they were curious, Man wouldn't be surprised by it since he saw it Saturday, and Pam is probably too busy trying to ignore they are there than to want to draw more attention to them," Sarawat said, before grinning into Tine's skin and letting out a teasing sigh. "But if you are so determined to cover my marks, then I guess I'll have to stake my claim in a different way."

     Tine rolled his eyes amusedly and asked, "Why do you need to stake your claim? I'm already yours, Teerak," he added lightly, melting into Sarawat's embrace and sweet little kisses.

     Sarawat's kisses were getting a little warmer as Sarawat slowly trailed his nose along the curvature of Tine's throat. "I know, but I want your little fan club to know you're claimed as well," he murmured possessively into Tine's throat.

     Tine laughed at the ridiculousness of Sarawat's jealousy. "Joss was just exaggerating. There is no fan club besides my musical following." The shiver Sarawat's actions sent through Tine's body slightly marred his statement.

     Sarawat knew from Tine's summations about not thinking he was good enough to perform for Enigma Midnight that he had a tendency to undercut himself and he laughed at Tine's quick dismissal of the fan club theory. "I think I'm going to take Joss' word for it this time," he said, fully believing in the validity of Tine having a fan club. Tine snorted slightly at Sarawat's resolve and shook his head lightly while Sarawat was melting Tine one butterfly kiss at a time. His breath and his warmth sending shivers and goosebumps along the curvature of Tine's spine.

     Sarawat's focus on Tine's neck and his hands pulling Tine into him, kneading into Tine's backside, had Tine drowning into Sarawat. His muscles relaxing to the kneading of Sarawat's fingers, his neck melting into Sarawat's warmth, and his pants tightening as the tension Sarawat was slowly releasing was all travelling to one place. "Sarawat is this the most appropriate place right now?" Tine reasoned, his entire body waking up and responding to Sarawat's kisses and steamy caresses, but still realizing that while the door may be locked, the hustle and bustle of it being the middle of the day on a Monday in the high-rise office suite was probably not the most private or appropriate place for where his desires were heading.

     Sarawat murmured huskily into Tine's skin. "The walls are soundproof, baby," making his intentions clear with words before his butterfly kisses deepened into more pressurized teasing of the skin, latching on to Tine's neck and deepening the fading marks.

      There was a hovering observation lingering in Tine's brain, wondering why if the walls were soundproof enough to block the sounds of where Sarawat's mouth was taking them towards, then why weren't they soundproof enough to mask a conversation about Pam? But as Sarawat's hands kneaded Tine's butt and pulled him deeper into Sarawat, Tine lost the tenure of the thought as his body caved to Sarawat. Tine had never once bothered to hide that his body was a complete slave to Sarawat. Sarawat's body on Tine's was Tine's most basic and necessary craving. So, why hide it when his neediness merely drew Sarawat to him, giving him more of what he craved, what he needed?

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