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     For nearly 3400 years, Sarawat Guntithanon built an empire that led the vampires to a golden age of peace. Their need to feed on humans remained unchanged. However, the amount of blood needed was nowhere near a deadly amount and vampires that fed on humans to the point of death were merely gluttonous beasts and they disgusted Sarawat. He believed his clan was more refined and, over the centuries of life; he made it taboo to kill humans for food, not only for his clan but universally, and it became punishable by trial, imprisonment, and then by death if the vampire continued to leave a trail of bodies. Not only was feeding to the death unnecessary, but dead bodies that were drained of blood with only pinpricks on their neck were a staple that had drawn way too much attention to the creatures of the night. Wanting to stay anonymous and live in peace, Sarawat fought to keep the bodies under control so the monster hunts that had sparked throughout the ages would remain in the past.

     Sarawat had grown cold and elusive as the millennia passed him by. The only vampires he relied on were his best friend, Pam, and his two closest sentinels, Boss and Man. They had been Sarawat's most trusted confidantes during his hostile takeover, when he ripped Phukong's greedy empire apart and built a stronger one with morality in its place. Over the millennia, Man and Boss became his personal bodyguards, and Pam had become his personal assistant and closest confidante. Man's words in Sarawat's earliest days as a vampire had given him hope, and it was Pam whom Sarawat lamented to in frustration as the years passed by and Namcha never returned.

     Pam had a deeper knowledge of soul legend than most did, and Sarawat had tasked her with tracking Namcha's soul down. Every time she seemed to get close, though, the timeline she was tracking would end in massacre and there was never any proof of Namcha's soul having been reborn. Despite Man and Boss' continued encouragement in the face of Sarawat's plight, Pam had voiced out some doubts that maybe Namcha's soul might be a rare case that could not be reborn. While, Sarawat couldn't deny that there was a chance she was right, deep down, Sarawat believed he could be reborn and had been, having felt the soulmate pull come and go throughout the years led Sarawat to believe that the universe was purposely keeping them separate as a punishment for Sarawat's choice to live his life as a vampire.

     Even with his doubts, Sarawat couldn't let go of his hope completely and he worked continuously over the years to build an empire his soulmate could be proud of. Sarawat put time and effort into the way he did things, striving to keep the heart of what Namcha had loved most about him. He did not want to become a disappointment in his beloved's eyes.

      To the vampire world, he was both universally feared and respected. Having lived long enough to see countless men die of noble causes and legacies, just to fade with time anyway, had left Sarawat with a relevance for life, but also no hesitation to take it if his rules were broken. Legends surrounded the old vampire, some true and some far-fetched, the most famous tale being the one where he ripped his creator's heart out and ate it in front of him as he died because his creator had betrayed him. There were several theories behind what the betrayal was, but only those that had been there and still lived to this day knew the truth.

     Many tried to get close to the stunning vampire bachelor. He was the type of handsome person who walked into a room and commanded it just by breathing. However, no one could get close. The distant enigma of Sarawat had caused many to come up with different theories about him from him being turned too young and not being romantically inclined enough to love, to theories of having his heart spurned and destroyed into an eternal heartbreak. The truth, of course, being his heart only beat for one man, and that was his Cha, the man he had not seen for nearly 3400 years, the man whose face laughs in his dreams and tells him that he loves him, the soul he is waiting to reawaken.

     As Sarawat waited the millennia away, he had busied his time by building Guntithanon Industries, a corporate powerhouse that had been around for almost 200 years and many avid followers of the industry could even trace the origin of the corporation to further back than that, never really able to find a definitive time when the company had not existed in some way. Humans knew the corporation was passed down by the first-born son of each generation, making the corporation thrive despite the changing times and economic progression. What humans didn't know was that the supposed first-born sons did not exist. It was always Sarawat, who altered his name slightly as the years passed and then, after enough generations, would come back to Sarawat and start the name game again. Sarawat was a mysterious man that was rarely seen outside of the industries or his exclusive Enigma Midnight Lounge. Pictures of him were rare, but those who had seen his photos pointed out the uncanny resemblance each generation of Guntithanon seemed to have with each other.

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