Permanent Decisions

523 48 44

Roughly between 1450-1350 BCE - The Bronze Age

Namcha at 12 years old; Sarawat at 14 years old

     Namcha once again woke up to a strange place. But even before he could get his bearings, a harsh voice cut through the silence, telling him to get up. The voice introduced themselves to Namcha as his warden. A thin, severe looking woman who told Namcha that his family and Sarawat's family sent Namcha to learn how to be a medic and stableboy. She reiterated he was also to be reminded of his station in life. He wasn't there as a guest. He was there as a servant, to work and to train, and there would be no slacking.

     That became Namcha's life for four years. His warden turned out to be as cruel as she was severe. She did not spare Namcha a single sentimental care in the world. The warden severely punished any infraction with either a beating or meal withholdings. Namcha became familiar friends with the cracks of the whips, kneeling in uncooked rice, and regular starvation, along with several other inventive ways to inflict the weight of her displeasure whenever he did not meet her expectations. He had to learn to be perfect in both skill and attitude for the barest of human needs. 

     The families had sent Namcha to her with the intent that she would train him in his duties in a way that he would never forget his station again. He was beaten, degraded and lived in filth until he turned 16. The village medic passed away, and it was time for Namcha to go back to his village to take his rightful position as the village medic. His duties would consist of medicine when it was needed and taking care of the horses during any remaining spare time. His warden prepared him for the journey home, reiterating the expectations they had for him, and further reiterating their expectations of how he behaved towards his superiors, especially the future village leader.

Namcha at 16 years old; Sarawat at 18 years old

     News of Namcha's return must have been public knowledge since Sarawat was waiting for him on the edge of the village, practically bouncing in excitement to see him again. Namcha thought he had put Sarawat behind him, but he couldn't stop the floods that rushed his system when he saw him. Sarawat had grown magnificently in the four years they'd been separated. His beautiful, thick, long dark hair fell around him in waves, and his beautiful doe eyes were still shamelessly expressing all the love and longing he still had for Namcha. He was taller, fitter, bulkier, and stronger. A strong masculine aura emanated from him that made Namcha crave him in ways he knew were unnatural.

     But Namcha knew better now, or at least he thought he did. The man waiting for him was too high above him. Namcha wasn't worthy of him, and despite his heart throbbing with joy at finally seeing his Watty again, he was able to mask it all, as he remembered he wasn't his Watty anymore. He was the village's Sarawat, and with that grim internal reminder, Namcha greeted his master as a servant should. Namcha gave a slight nod of his head, acknowledging Sarawat's presence, but not speaking without being spoken to first, and without even looking up to meet Sarawat's eyes, Namcha continued to walk past him towards his destination.

     Sarawat reached out and grabbed Namcha's arm to halt him. Namcha's heart grew butterflies at feeling Sarawat's warmth once again after so many years, but with the butterflies came the boulders that crashed into his stomach, knowing that Sarawat's action could cause them both punishment. Before either boy could say anything, Namcha's warden interrupted their moment. "It would be kinder for Namcha if you remembered your place, Sir Sarawat. It is not you that will bear the punishment for your actions towards him."

     Sarawat understood the threat, the meaning behind the woman's words, and dropped his hand from Namcha's arm. Namcha couldn't bear to look up at him as he felt the weight of Sarawat's hand drop from his arm. He steeled his shoulders and continued to walk past as though nothing had happened. His heart cracking under the pain he knew both of them felt, and realizing his true punishment was yet to come. To live the rest of his life knowing how desperately they needed each other but would never be allowed to be.

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