Soul Blood Seer

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     A light knock interrupted their conversation, and a guard came in to tell Sarawat that there was someone at the main entrance causing some problems. Sarawat and Man left to diffuse the situation and left Tine in the care of Type and Boss. Boss being one of Sarawat's bodyguards and Type being deceptively deadly. He may look sweet and slight, but cross him and someone would lose a limb before they even realized Type had attacked.

     After Sarawat left, Boss looked at Tine with a serious expression. "How are you not intimidated by him?"

     Tine raised an eyebrow. "He has never been intimidating to me," he answered honestly.

     Boss snorted, "I have seen men quake at his feet before with just a look. He walks into a room and people immediately go quiet. He has this impenetrable barrier around him that screams, 'I'll be nice to you, but don't fucking touch me or I'll cut you.' His entire aura screams of intimidation and untouchable."

     Tine laughed. "He is nothing like that to me. He is warm and protective. I'm not intimidated by him because the leader you know is different from the man that I know. I'm sure there are sides to him that he shows you that would scare the shit out of me, just as I'm sure there are sides to him that he shows me that he would be mortified for you to see."

     Boss chuckled. "OK, Fair enough. Despite that, it still takes some serious balls to ask a vampire you've known for less than a few hours, especially one who is as intimidating as Sarawat, to let their mate get bitten by someone else."

     Tine's eyes widened as his white face turned pink. "Oh my God! He told you about that!"

     Boss laughed at Tine's mortified expression. "He did. He was trying to make Man jealous because Man was teasing him too much. I can understand the curiosity, but in all reality, you probably won't feel the emotion behind the feed with anyone else like you did with Sarawat. It's not to say it's not possible, just unlikely. The humans that feel an ecstasy rush from being bitten are rare. I mean they exist. They flock to places like these, intending to be fed on because they like it. It's common for us to see humans who like it because they seek us out, but it would be uncommon for a human to run into another human with that fetish simply because they are so rare in the grand scales of the general population. Your reaction is more likely in relation to the soul bond than for any predisposed enjoyment of it. I don't know what your and Sarawat's plans for the future are, and I'm the wrong person to express my opinion on that subject, but I'm sure there are some heavy discussions coming up about what species you end up living the rest of your life as. As far as enjoying the bite, though, you don't have to worry about that going away if you do become one of us. Luckily for you, your bond is strong and the enjoyment of being fed on with your soulmate isn't limited to one of you being human."

     Tine cocked his head in curiosity. "What you do mean about it not being limited to being human? Do vampires feed on each other as well?"

     Type laughed. "Yes, but not as a means of sustenance. Vampires survive on a consistently dwindling supply of blood. A vampire feeding on another vampire is essentially depleting an already depleting source. Even if you were to trade back and forth, both of the vampire's brains are still using the supply as well and eventually, it will run out. However, feeding back and forth for a short period, such as during sex, isn't depleting the source enough to be harmful. In fact, it's one of the most erotic things vampires can share to elevate senses during the act. To be honest, Man is the only being, human or vampire, that I will physically feed on."

     Tine looked up in surprise. "What do you mean physically feed on? Don't you have to physically feed to survive?"

     Type shook his head. "No, I don't. We have to drink blood, yes, but how we get the blood is not important, meaning there is no necessity to feed directly on people. And I know you mentioned to Sarawat the idea of me feeding on you as an experiment, and if it's really important to you for me to do it, then maybe I'll consider it, but I'd rather not. No offense, and please don't misunderstand me. My aversion to feeding on you isn't because of Sarawat. It's more because, like Sarawat, I don't enjoy feeding on people. I usually stick to the blood bags, unless special circumstances arise."

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