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Roughly around the beginning of the first century

     A fog was clouding his brain, barring his thoughts and reasoning. He laid trapped beneath the weight of it, fighting desperately to rise above it. It was like something had disconnected his brain from his body. He knew he was moving, but he didn't know what he was doing. He could only feel the sharp jolts through his arms that were jarring his mind, and a thick, sticky liquid coating his hands that was sickening in his gut. It felt wrong, it all felt wrong, but he couldn't understand what he was doing enough to know why it felt wrong or even make sense out of what was happening.

     What was happening? What was he doing? Why couldn't he feel most of his body or control it at all? It was terrifying and his brain flailed to come to the surface, panic crashing through him and getting more tumultuous as time passed this way.

     He struggled against the fogs, desperate to break his way through to clarity, when finally with a savage cry he broke through and his brain and his body once again became one. As soon as he opened his eyes and he took in the scene below him, he immediately wished the fog would reclaim him. He was straddled over Dim's body, knife in hand, covered in his soulmate's blood. Green didn't even remember going home that day, but here he was at home, in their bed, his entire meaning to life laying in the slashed ribbons of blood and flesh below him.

     A loud, screeching sound kept cutting through Green's ears, trying to disturb him, to pull his attention from Dim. But he couldn't focus on it, like an itch in his ear. He ignored it as he stared down at his mate. Dim's eyes were open and glassy and his heart was ripped from his chest and lying on what was left of his stomach. How long had Dim already been dead? And why had the fog continued to stab him even after his heart had been ripped out?

     What had he done? Why? His Dim, his love, by his own hands. And how long had Dim survived and fought to comprehend that his Green was murdering him, in a mindless rage, continuing to stab him as he died slowly, painfully? Oh god, what had he done? The sound in his ears getting louder as the waves of awareness crashed through him. The realization coiled, grabbing at his insides and wrenching him apart from the inside out. Still hazy and not thinking clearly, it took Green several moments to realize the screeching noise itching his ears were his own horrific screams.

     The coven's palace guards heard his screams and quickly filed into the room to see the carnage. They instantly moved in toward Green, but Green saw this and leapt backwards from Dim's body and began pacing erratically between the bed and the wall, keeping Dim between him and the guards as he tried to make sense of what was happening.

     The guards watched Green warily. He couldn't make a run for it because they were standing between him and the door. He'd never get through them. Green raked his hands through his hair and began rambling like a madman, trying to figure out how he'd done what he knew he could have never done. The clouds, the confusion, the distortion. And then he heard Boss call out his name, gently, placatingly, as though trying to get Green to communicate with him, as though they could somehow make sense of this together.

     Green's eyes met Boss' and a moment of clarity came over Green. She'd done this, but he had no proof and there was no way they would ever take his word over hers. Green knew his death was imminent. There would be no arguing his way out of it.

     And, in all reality, he didn't want to argue his way out of it. Green wanted to die with Dim. His life was now meaningless to him. He should have never gone looking through Pam's things, should have left the curiosity to the cat, but instead he became the cat and now it was his time to be killed, but not yet, he needed a chance to avenge himself and Dim, and Phukong for that matter. 

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