I hear a knock on the door and walk over and see Mr. Han our lawyer, I turn and excuse myself from the room. "Thank you for working late today Mr. Han, this is something that needed to be done quickly and I am grateful for your time and attention to the seriousness and urgency of the matter."

He smiles at me "Not to worry Mr. Lan it is my pleasure and duty. Everything you need is in here all he has to do is sign it and you can give it to me in the morning and I will submit it for certification." He hands me a folder with several documents in it.

He bows "Have a good night Mr. Lan and I hope young Mr. Lan recovers quickly, give him my well wishes."

I nod and before I can walk back into the room I hear "Mother stop it, he was hurt because that idiot can't take no for an answer."

Then I hear "You have been teasing him and leading him on for months like a little slut what did you think would happen when you up and take away what you have been silently offering him for months."

I hear Wey Ying gasp "I haven't done anything like that, I don't want to touch him, he's disgusting and I have never led him on, I have refused every single one of his advances. I don't even like to touch some of my family why in the hell would I want to touch someone like him?"

Qing warns "Mother don't you dare touch him, you know he hasn't done anything that you have just accused him of, stop it. That man tried to force himself on my didi and instead of showing concern like a good mother you berate and slander him."

Wey Xu Wen says "Watch your mouth girl, I can still take every penny you have and leave you with nothing but an upcoming prison sentence. Don't talk to your mother like that, she has the right to discipline her children as she sees fit, I don't know why you think you have the right to intervene with that."

Qing growls at him and is about to say something when I walk back into the room.

I've heard enough, I walk in and look at each of them then settle my stoic gaze on Wey Xu Wen. "She may not have the right to intervene, but I do. I want you both out of here, you no longer have the right to scold or berate my husband for his actions or inactions either way. You both may leave."

I cock an eyebrow at them and wait for them to leave, Wey Xu Wen gives me a stern look which does absolutely nothing and Wey Yu Zi huffs, marching out of the room with her husband following her.

I look at each of the remaining family members and smile "Sorry I was late I had a bit of business to take care of. If anything like that happens again and I am not near, please call me so that I can be. I will never tolerate them abusing my Wey Ying in any form and would appreciate your help."

They all nod and Qing walks over to me, looks up with misty eyes and wraps her arms around me. She cries on my chest as I pat her back totally surprised by her actions.

I look at Yang for help he smiles "Qing has always been the buffer between mother and AYing but since they have power over our finances her ability to shield our didi has diminished and has been weighing heavily on her. The fact that you were able to shut them down so quickly and decisively just removed that weight she had been feeling. She's grateful to you and this is how she is showing it." He looks lovingly at his sister crying in my arms.

I keep consoling her, murmuring to her until she calms down she looks up at me with red swollen eyes and a red nose "I'm sorry I broke down but I'm glad my didi has you to protect him. We worry about him with our mother, she has always been so awful to him and we have all tried to protect him but we have failed."

I smile at her "No, you haven't failed, you just kept him safe until I could take over and you did everything you could until then. Thank you for protecting my Wey Ying as much as you have until I could come for him." I kiss her forehead and watch her blush.

They all stay for a bit longer, Xing and Bowen walk back in not long after Qing calms down holding hands. They each spend a little longer with Wey Ying before bidding us good night.

I'm finally alone with my Wey Ying I walk over and sit down in the chair next to his bed and take his hand "How is my baobei?"

He smiles his eyes heavy "I'm okay Lan Zhan, thank you for coming in when you did and running them off, I wish they hadn't come at all."

I take his hand in mine and kiss his knuckles "I know love, I heard most of what happened and I'm sorry they treat you that way. I didn't come in right away because I wanted to see how they are without the theatrics they always seem to show to everyone but family. I needed to know how bad they are to all of you and now I have my answer."

He yawns "I'm just glad they don't fight back with you."

I grab the folder and show him the documents, I explain what they are and he listens intently, I know he's tired but I need him to make a decision before he sleeps.

He looks at me and tilts his head "How did you get all of this done so quickly Lan Zhan?"

I smile "Money and power love, they get things moving faster than anything else does. Now if you don't have any questions or concerns and you agree just sign here and it will be certified in the morning."

He looks at me with shining eyes "You are amazing, thank you, Lan Zhan. Give me the pen, I don't have any concerns or questions I am fully on board with this."

I hand him the pen and he signs his name, I stand up and kiss his lips softly and he sighs "I'm really tired Lan Zhan."

I kiss him again "I know baobei, get some sleep, I'll be here all night, I'm not going anywhere. Rest and know I'm here if you need me, love."

He nods and I fix his covers as he lays down and gets comfortable, he closes his eyes and whispers "Will you sing to me Lan Zhan, your voice is so soothing."

I sing him the song I wrote for him as he drifts off to sleep and I watch him as he relaxes completely and his sleep deepens. I look at his ethereal facial features and I feel overwhelmed knowing that my soulmate, the only person I have ever loved is back with me again. 'I will make sure that we are never parted again, you are mine for the rest of our days.'

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