Volume 5 : Raising the Curtains

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Ayanokoji Kiyone POV

At last this day is finally here. The dawn of the sports festival which is shaping up to be a long day. Wearing jerseys, the entire student body marched in as one just as rehearsed.

But even if it's called a march, most of the students were just walking normally. They only showed enough seriousness to not disrupt discipline.

Ike : "I'll show off my good side to Kikyo-chan!"

Ike, who was walking behind me, excitedly voiced his expectations. I wonder how he's intending on showing off when he's one of those people who are not especially good at sports. I could see that it was almost unmistakably a fruitless effort without any secret strategy behind it.

In the opening ceremony, 3rd year Class A's Fujimaki was the one who gave the opening declaration. By the way, on the outskirts of the school grounds, there weren't many but I could see the figures of spectators scattered here and there. They are probably adults who work on-campus. In regards to them, it doesn't seem like the school has set any restrictions. Occasionally, I could see smiles and hands waving.

On the other hand, the teachers were watching over the students with nary a smile on their faces while adults who appear to be medical staff could also be seen.

Furthermore, a cottage that could fit roughly 20 people was built and installed inside was a cooler, a water dispenser and the such. Just like the uninhabited island, the preparations were flawless. By the way, the competing Red Team and White Team were provided with tents installed on opposite sides of the track as though sandwiching it between them.

As such, it has been made so that there could be no possible contact other than during the contests.

Kiyone : "They're very thoroughly prepared. Ultimately, even cameras meant to help with judgement calls have been set up"

For the 100 meter dash that'll be coming up first, a camera was pointed towards a point that appears to be the goal.

Horikita : "So that means misjudgements and ambiguous results will definitely be avoided"

It appears even if it's by an hairbreadth, they intend on deciding victory and defeat like it's a horserace. That is precisely why contests that are difficult to score like cheerleading and the such are not included in this sports festival.


Hirata Yosuke POV

It was now our turn, as Sudou would be running in the first group. All the students of Class D watched while holding their breath. The outcome of the sports festival will depend greatly on Sudou. First of all this first event, we'll use Sudou's debut in the race to crush the opponents. The plan is to get everyone pumped up with that same vigor. If Sudou finishes with disappointing results here, there is the possibility that it will have lasting effects.

Ike : "From what I can see it doesn't seem like there's anyone worth their salt here. There are many fatties and garish guys here. It's guaranteed Sudou'll place 1st"

I couldn't see any notable students in our school year from the other classes. Like Ike said, it's probably guaranteed already.

Yukimura : "On the contrary, depending on how you look at it, it could also be seen as a loss"

Ike : "Huh? How come?"

Ideally speaking, for someone with physical abilities like Sudou's, it would have been better if someone fast had been competing.

Yukimura : "Well lets be optimistic here but this alone is something that can't be helped, it's up to luck after all"

There was something about the figure of Sudou, in a crouching stance at the starting line, that inspires absolute confidence. Even if he happened to tumble mid-race he could still turn it all around, he gave off the feeling of having such a composure to his surroundings.

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