Volume 2 : Preparation for Testimony

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Horikita Suzune POV

Time to wake up. I looked at the clock that was hanged on the wall I was getting out of the bed. I woke up as usual. The habit that the body had developed can't be forgotten. This habit hasn't changed since I entered this school.

With the exception of some special circumstance that made me go to bed late, I have always woken up at 6:00 am.

Horikita : "What a day to started this week..."

After that I slightly arranged my appearance and started preparing breakfast.

Although I don't have much appetite because of these recent days. I've been keeping to eat three meals a day. As a result I've a balanced nutrition, to the extent of living a life of having a good diet. 

After that, I left the room at 8:00 o'clock to go to school. 

The sequence of actions up to this point has not changed since elementary school. 

Originally, it should've been like this. The former me went to school alone, studied alone, ate lunch alone, returned home alone. This is me –Horikita Suzune's life, and at the same time, my nature. The pitiful gazes that comes from the surroundings considering me as a solitary person are just meddlesome. 

No, even an explanation such as meddlesome is wrong. I can accomplish whatever I do. Be it studies or sports, I have the confidence that I'm superior than my peers. And more importantly, it's impossible for me to trust other people. 

At first, everybody displayed a good attitude in order to approach me, but they would immediately leave. So I naturally distanced myself from other people. As a result, I never perceived loneliness nor inconvenience.

That's why this situation will inevitably continue. But recently, this has started to change. Inside me, the tempo of my life has started to change quietly. I feel that the time I spend being alone has been reducing. I know what's causing this. It's because of the resident of my neighboring seat in the classroom. 

I casted a glance at Ayanokouji Kiyone-san's seat, who has not arrived at school yet. I don't know why, but no matter what attitude I adopt towards her, her attitude has never changed. When we meet for the first time, it couldn't be said that I gave her a good impression. I thought I would be quickly ignored.

But we spend more time without I realized it. Sometimes I eat her cooking, sometimes I give several advice on her when she ask, even we often go to home together.

When I came back to reality, I realized that the time where I talk to her has increased. 

Why is that? 


These questions rush to my mind in quick succession, I'm unable to understand this. I've never considered her as a friend, never. Although I don't know what she thinks, I only consider her as a person who sits beside me in the classroom by chance. 

However, there is no doubt, my mind must has some other ideas...

The more I know her the more mysterious she can be. Even my homeroom teacher said something unusual about her. 'The most defective person in class', if it was Ike-kun, Sudou-kun, or Yamauchi-kun I could understand however she said it was her. Also, what make me confused is how could getting 50 on all subject on purpose could be considered as the most defect student?

At this rate I would doubt Chabashira-sensei's word but also started to observe Ayanokoji Kiyone-san. I wonder why would I do this? I doubt revealing whatever her secret she hold could help me to get into class A. What did I wanted to gain by interacting with 'my first pawn' or maybe because of that somehow I think that she is somewhat special.

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