Volume 1 : First Mission

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Ayanokoji Kiyone POV

First weekend of May.

Inside class

Ike and the others started listening to the teachers silently. Only Sudou kept sleeping through class, but no one tried to stop him. Because no one find a reliable way of increasing our points, Sudou's habits were not fixed.

However, Sudou still received the ire of a lot of the classmates every day. 

I'm sleepy too. Because it's the period right before lunch, it's hard to stay awake. I also stayed up late watching a movie on TV all night. It'd be great if I could fall asleep now

As I was nodding off, my right arm suddenly experienced some severe pain. I may not scream but its still painful to be honest

Rubbing the sore part of my arm, I glared at my neighbor. In my line of sight, I saw Horikita holding a compass needle in her hand.

This isn't a normal situation. Why does she even have compasses on hand? I don't even think there's a reason to use them during class. As soon as class ended, I went up to Horikita.

Kiyone : "There are things that are OK to do and things that are not OK to do Horikita-san! Compasses are dangerous! I'm confiscated this!"

I said that while snatching her compass

Horikita : "Are you mad at me? Because it's hard to tell with your emotionless face"

Kiyone : "I'm pretty sure you don't like it when I do the same to you, no?"

Horikita : "Is that so? Then whenever you fell asleep during class I'll keep you stay awake. You better grateful with me though"

She said giving smug smile while showing off to me that she still hold 3 compass on her possession. Well, I don't think snatch away her compass is the best solution for it. Even if I manage to snatched all of her compass, she could just buy new one everytime. Such hassle but changing her mindset to solve this problem gonna be best solution for it

Kiyone : "I hope you use nicer method without harming me next time, Horikita-san."

Horikita : "I'll keep that in mind but be careful. If they saw you dozing off, our points would be subtracted."

Kiyone : "How could I avoid being not seen with how those cameras angles set on us? I wonder"

Horikita : "Of course we couldn't! So you better keep yourself stay awake on next subject as well Ayanokoji-san"

Horikita started being wary of such things in order to get us out of class D. Protesting to the school resulted in nothing for her. Well, if Horikita dozes off during class, I'll do the same thing to her.

As everyone stood up to go to lunch, Hirata started to talk.

Hirata : "The test that Chabashira-sensei mentioned is coming up soon. Everyone understands that they'll have to drop out of school if they receive failing marks. So, I think that it would be best if we form study groups."

It looks like he decide to take counter-measure for it.

Hirata : "If you neglect your studies, you'll immediately receive failing grades and drop out. I want to avoid that situation. Studying isn't solely for avoiding that situation, because there is also a high possibility that our test scores are reflected on our points. If we get high grades, the assessment of our class would probably go up. I asked some of the people who got good grades to help out. So, I would like people who are worried about their grades to come participate in the study group. Of course, everyone is welcome to join."

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