Volume 5 : Scouting

313 22 5

Ayanokoji Kiyone POV

In the midst of the other classes moving onto reconnaissance, there were small movements in Class D too. So-and-so are good at what or who is athletic or not. That sort of information is present everywhere. 

The majority have already begun to realize this but there is very little meaning to direct reconnaissance. Just by ascertaining the degree of someone else's athleticism to one's heart's content, ultimately the key to victory lies in the combination of partners for the contests. Information alone is not worth much.

Unless you know the contents of their participation table, which is the essence of it all, it won't lead to victory over the other classes. However, vice versa if we can acquire information on their participation table, it would be a great help towards defeating them. And if we can acquire both the 'participation table' and 'information', then our chances will rise drastically.

But as a rule of thumb, the participation table is not shared with the other classes. And since it would be equivalent to strangling themselves should it leak, thorough control of the information is likely.

The one exception......would be Class D that's carrying a bomb internally though. One week before the sports festival. I made my move as soon as classes were over. I called out to Horikita, who was packing up her things beside me.

Kiyone : "Horikita-san. Please, could you accompany me for a bit after this?"

Horikita : "If I said no?"

Kiyone : "Of course you're free to say that but I won't be taking responsibility then if Class D faces a predicament"

I got straight to the point, and by suddenly saying something that sounds like a threat, Horikita was a loss for words for a moment.

Horikita : "...This is something I can't quite ignore. Fine, what do you want?".

Kiyone : "You'll understand if you come along"

Saying that, I passed in front of Horikita, who had been demanding an answer. I then called out to one other target.

Kiyone : "Kushida-san, do you have a moment?"

I headed over in front of Kushida, who was chatting away with the girls in the class and called out to her like that.

Kushida : "Hmm? What's wrong, Aya-chan?"

Kushida also turned to look for a moment at Horikita, who was keeping quiet even as she gave off an aura of dislike.

Kiyone : "Do you have anything planned for tomorrow?".

On Saturday, which should be a day off for Kushida, I tried inviting her out for something.

Kushida : "I don't have anything planned so far. I guess only as far as thinking I'd clean my room"

Kiyone : "If you're fine with it, can I borrow some of your time for the morning only?"

I cut in with that. If Kushida shows any sign of discontent with it, I had every intention of withdrawing immediately.

Kushida : "Sure thing"

However, as if to dispel such anxieties, Kushida accepted with a smile.

Kushida : "But how unusual, for Aya-chan to invite me out".

Kiyone : "That may be so. By the way, Horikita-san will also be coming along"

Horikita : "Hey-!"

I reined in Horikita with my hand as she voiced her complaints.

Kushida : "Sure, I don't mind that at all......but what do you mean by the morning only?"

Kiyone : "Kushida-san I know is someone who's familiar with information on the other classes, I want to once again conduct reconnaissance on the enemy is what I thought. I was invited to do so by Horikita but there are many things I don't know"

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