Volume 3 : Day 4; The Quiet Outbreak of War

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Ayanokoji Kiyone POV

On the 4th day on the uninhabited island, changes started to occur little by little and we reached a turning point. I went deaf to the complaints yelled around but then, at some point, I realized that non-stop laughter filled the place. We added some Indian corn we found to the fishes Ike and others caught. Every resistance against drinking the river's water disappeared too. Some things, like the fruits that my classmates found, helped us in saving more points than we planned to get us through the trial.

Currently, the points used amounted to about 100 points, including setbacks like retirement. If we continued smoothly, we'd probably be able to finish the trial with a lot of points remaining. If we looked at D Class's situation before the start of the trial, then this number was a perfectly satisfactory numeric value. Even Yukimura, who was the most hostile and opposing party, wouldn't complain. Yes, not even one student was unsatisfied with this result.

I suddenly got a tingling feeling in my head and it hurt.

I secretly borrowed a ballpoint pen and put it in my pocket together with the folded paper. Then I left the base camp. I got started trying to know the situation of the island which I still couldn't grasp.

This might only be my personal guess but, when we break down this special trial, we'd see that 80% of it was a defensive test that has to confirm whether there was a cooperative relationship within the class. And the remaining 20% suggests that it's a test of scouting against other classes and attacking them to interfere with their information-gathering ability.

However, this 8:2 proportion is not directly reflected in the trial's results. Or rather, I think it's only that 20% that greatly influenced the results.

We'd already grasped the plan of each class. On this topic, we decided what to do. Simply attack the other classes.

So, I'd start moving to the class A area. As class D moved around the riverside, class A's center of activity was probably the cave area.

Katsuragi made no sense though. It's not like he'd been the first one to occupy the cave. The true attraction of the cave was not just that it's protected from natural elements. The place itself had a special meaning.

When I was wandering for a while through the forest, I could hear faintly the sound of waves. My pace got a little faster and I directly pushed through the trees to finally find myself on the coast.

Kiyone : "Whoops......"

I applied a sudden brake in my steps and came to a stop. All because there was no foothold here and it was actually a cliff.

Kiyone : "Mmm, I saw it from the ship for sure....... it was under here I think."

Not far from the cave, very close to it actually, a multi-facility peeked out. Somehow, whether there was an alternative route or not and walking along the cliff, I noticed there was a ladder close to it, made in a blind spot where it was probable to miss it at first glance. I tried grasping the ladder in my hand with all my power, but it seemed so sturdy and strongly built that, in fact, I bumped into it.

Using the ladder from the bottom of the cliff.

If a person discovered it before landing on the island, he'd have to find his way to that place as soon as he landed.

Soon, I discovered a small hut. At the ingress of the hut, there was a device which was the clear evidence that this was a spot. Looking through the window, I could see some tools that were usually used for fishing. In other words, by taking control of this place, people could catch fish without any help from the school or without spending points for food.

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