Volume 4 : A Vast Array of Thoughts

683 40 6

Ayanokoji Kiyone POV

Once I had returned to my room, I struggled to sleep.

I noticed a noise and looked up although I did not see my roommates Onodera and Sakura.

??? : "Sorry, did I wake you up?"

It was Wang who said that as she organized her luggage neatly while looking at me apologetically.

Kiyone : "No need for apologies, I wasn't sleeping anyways. I was about to go out for a drink anyways since I'm thirsty now"

Of course, I did not mention this to her, but I was on my way to check on Horikita's state. 

Wang : "May I accompany you? We received the mail from the school and it's almost time anyways"

The time was close to 20:30 the same time that Horikita's mail instructed her to gather for the meeting.

Wang : "It seems a rather unusual exam is about to begin, I feel a little anxious"

It seems she already knows what the exam will be about after hearing it from a previous student who received the explanation before her I guess

Wang : "It's Inogashira-chan. She told me in the cafeteria earlier. About her group and how everyone was receiving explanations one after the other"

Either way, if you know the contents of the exam before the explanation it will be easier to gather hints from the explanation itself. In this case, by cooperating with a classmate can be advantageous to you.

Wang : "Oh, that's right! If there's anything you've figured out, Aya-chan, please do share it with me"

Kiyone : "That's fine by me however unlike Horikita-san, Hirata-kun or Yukimura-kun I'm not particularly smart so I haven't been able to figure out about this exam at all...in particular"

Of course, there was no way I would tell her any more than necessary.

Wang : "I was wondering why they would go to all the trouble of separating us into groups to explain the same thing to us separately"

Indeed as she says, it would be far more efficient and less time-consuming to explain to all members of a group gathered at once then separately. The school is using an obviously inefficient method, but it's most likely not just on a whim. There is more likely than not a reason behind this method. Perhaps the 'thinking ability' assessed in this exam is part of that.

Wang : "Well, I'm planning to ask sensei about it later on though"

I wonder if the other classmate could cooperate with another class for this exam.


The place where Wang's meeting would be taking place was not as crowded as when my meeting had occurred.

Still there were a few students, some were sitting on the stairs near the elevator, some were playing around with their phones and some were still speculating about the explanation they were due to receive. 

Wang : "Is these peoples going to be part of my group?"

Even a cursory inspection showed that there were more than 12 people gathered here. They all glanced at each other while playing with their phones sometimes. Unfortunately, I was not acquainted with students from other classes and could not identify most of them. 

Suddenly from behind of us

??? : "Well well, is this perhaps a coincidence?"

We look behind. Wang seems confused about this person who suddenly talk to us

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