Volume 2 : The Unexpected Witness

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Ayanokoji Kiyone POV

The next morning.

Part of the class, which consisted of Hirata-kun and Kushida-san's groups, was in a hurry to exchange information. Ike-kun and his friends hated Hirata-kun due to his popularity with the girls. That being said, they were idly chatting and enjoying themselves due to the girls that clung onto Hirata-kun. However, as I listened to their conversation, it appears that they didn't get the information they wanted. They were just recording the names of the people they directly asked, occasionally writing memos on their phones. It would be too good to be true for someone to actually come after school.

As for me, I still couldn't handle groups. So, I asked Kushida-san to tell me what happened later, and stayed away from the group.

Meanwhile my neighbor, who had rejected Kushida-san's invitation, was preparing for class with a nonchalant expression.

The person actually involved in the matter, however, was not at school.

Ike : "Hah~ Can we actually prove that it was class C's fault ?"

Kushida : "If we can find a witness, it's not impossible to prove. Let's do our best, Ike-kun."

Yamauchi : "Before we start 'doing our best', is there actually a witness in the first place? All Sudou said is that he vaguely recalled there being one, right? Isn't that just a lie? After all, he's violent and tends to provoke people often."

Hirata : "If we keep doubting him, we won't be able to get anything done. Don't you agree?"

Ike : "Yeah that might be true, but... If Sudou is at fault, all of our points will be revoked, won't they? We'll be back at zero and return to our difficult lives without any pocket money. Our goal of being able to play to our heart's content will remain a dream."

Hirata : "Then we can start saving up again. It's only been three months since the beginning of the year."

The girls in the class blushed while listening to Hirata-kun's honest words. The hero of our class, as always, gave splendid advice without wavering. Karuizawa-san looked proud of her wonderful boyfriend.

Kushida : "I think our points are precious. It's tied with our motivation, right? So, I think we should do anything to defend those class points. Even if we're defending only 87 points."

Hirata : "I understand how you feel. However, I think it's dangerous to be so adamant about defending points and losing sight of reality. The most important thing for us is to cherish our close friends."

Ike-kun looked at Hirata-kun with a suspicious gaze.

Ike : "Even if Sudou was at fault?"

It's natural to feel horrible if an innocent person was punished.

However, Hirata-kun nodded without hesitation. It looked like he was saying that such a self-sacrifice is a trivial matter. Because of Hirata-kun's upright morals, Ike-kun looked down, feeling overawed.

Karuizawa : "What Hirata-kun is saying is completely natural, but I still want my points. Every month, the class A kids always get around 100,000 points a month. I'm really envious. There are people who buy a lot of stylish clothes and accessories. Compared to them, aren't we just pitiful?"

Karuizawa was sitting on a desk while dangling her legs. Our classmates seemed really bitter when she pointed out the large difference between the classes.

Matsushita : "Why couldn't I have been in class A from the start? If I was in class A, I would be having the time of my life right now."

Shinohara : "I wish I was in class A too. I could be playing around with my friends all the time."

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