Volume 1 : Welcome to Merit-Based School

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Ayanokoji Kiyone POV

Inside Classroom

Everyone inside class was thrown in chaos. Of course except for several students here doesn't care that much about the entire situation like Koenji-kun

Hondou : "W-What am I going to do without any more points?"

Yamauchi : "I used up the remainder of my points yesterday"

After Chabashira-sensei left the room, the whole classroom was in an uproar.

Yukimura : "Even more than the points, this is a problem with the class! Why was I put in class D!?"

Yukimura-kun vented in frustration. There were beads of sweat on his forehead.

Ike : "Wait, does that mean we won't be able to go to a college we want to go to? Then why did I come to this school in this first place? I wonder if Sae-chan-sensei hates me?"

None of the students can hide their confusion.

Hirata : "I understand that everyone is panicking right now, but calm down."

Hirata-kun trying to took control of the class, trying to calm down the sense of impending crisis.

Yukimura : "How can we calm down in this situation? Are you not frustrated that we are the class of leftovers!?"

Hirata : "Even if I say I am, isn't it better to work together to get out of this situation?"

Yukimura : "Get out of this situation? In the first place, I don't even agree with this hierarchy of classes!"

Hirata : "I completely understand your feelings.However, there's no use in sitting here and complaining about it."

Yukimura : "What!?"

Yukimura walked up to Hirata and grabbed him by his collar. Sigh...

Just because you can't retort his argument doesn't mean you use violence to prove yours was right. Are boys mostly like to behave this way?

Kushida : "Calm down, you two. Ok? Surely, Sensei must have explained it to us sternly in order to cheer us up, right?"

Kushida-san spoke up. She broke the two apart and gently took Yukimura-kun's balled fist in her hand. Yukimura-kun, as one would expect, tried not to hurt Kushida-san and unintentionally took a step back.

Kushida : "Also, it's only been a month since school has started. As Hirata-kun said, I think that it's better for all of us to persevere through this situation. Do you think I'm wrong?"

Yukimura : "N-no, thats... Certainly, I don't think what Kushida said is wrong, but..."

Yukimura's wrath already dissipated away. Kushida sincerely looked at everyone in class D, wishing for everyone's cooperation.

Kushida : "That's right isn't it? We shouldn't be impatient. There's no need for Yukimura and Hirata to fight."

Yukimura : "U-Uhm...My bad. I lost my composure for a bit there."

Hirata : "It's fine. I should've chosen my words more carefully as well."

With the help of Kushida Kikyou, the fight was resolved in an orderly way.

I took out my phone and took a picture of the class points on poster which sensei posted. Noticing my actions, Horikita looked at me with a curious expression.

I look back at her. It seems she wanted to say something. Well, if she wanted to say something isn't it better that she just sa-

Horikita : "What is it? Just say something already!"

Classroom of the Elite (Ayanokoji Kiyone)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat