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Sorry for the late update guys, I am really busy trying to get my professional life together these days😫

Trigger warnings ⚠️ : Mentions of physical child abuse(Orian's past) SA (both as a child and adult)

Amara's pov

I sat at the banks of the stream, with my legs crossed by my side. My memories of how I had crossed it to get away from Orian coming back to me as I picked at the sand with a twig I had broken off the low branch of a tree.

I got to drawing on the sand with the twig, carving Orian's full name with the nicknames I had for him first before drawing a heart and Cupid's arrow in it and then setting to carve out my names beneath it and I tried to spell his nickname for me in his language which he still hadn't told me the meaning before writing a together forever beneath the drawings and adding kissy faces of a male and female caricature.

You are so cringe, Cora rolled her eyes at my antics, add love signs at the top of his name, and put in extra for me... please.

Who's cringe now? I snorted at her before doing exactly as she said and when I was done, I pulled back marveling at the wonderful yet amature artwork.

"I got one!" Orian's voice tore through the air startling me and I looked in his direction to see him waving  fish at me in his hands with a wide smile on his face, "Look, lunny svet."

I returned his smile giving him a thumbs up looking at him holding up the fish proudly with his pants rolled up a bit revealing toned lower legs and I loved that he hadn't drawn them down to cover the scars showing that he was getting comfortable with me.

He placed the fish in the bucket before waddling deeper to get another one while I watched him intently.

This was the third day we had spent away from the castle and unfortunately the last day.

I had woken up this morning, craving fish and there was no way to catch it than him doing it with his bare hands like a caveman. I relished at the sight of him trying to get the fish wishing we could stay here longer or even forever.

Our days here had been peaceful and passionate, us playing and making love till either of us was tired out.

He took me in many different ways that I hadn't even read about and we recreated scenes that I had read about or imagined with the hours spent building intimate connections, we grew stronger and stronger together with him getting more comfortable around me but not comfortable enough to take off his shirt even in the dark.

I sat with disappointment raking through me as I had expected more from my mating. I learned later on that my mum had her scars gone and powers revealed from mating but with Orian and I nothing changed.

His scars were still there and with each intimate session we finished I hoped for a change but there was still nothing and that had me clouded with disappointment.

I loved him, his scars that portrayed how strong he was to go through what he had gone through but no matter how hard I tried to make him feel comfortable and beautiful, he still hated them, he hated his body.

I wanted them gone only because of how insecure and disgusted with himself they made him feel and I knew if they were gone he'd be happy and not shy away anymore even if I desperately hoped for him to accept himself and bare the entirety of his being for me to love as he is.

I wanted to kiss them,  praise him for being so strong for surviving and let him know how special and beautiful he was.

"What's wrong?" Orian's shadow loomed over me with his face contorted in worry.

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