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Hope y'all are doing well?🥰

Amara's pov

Orian won me a teddy, fair and square.

Fair and square? Cora didn't agree with my words and she was right not to.

I do not think fair and square was the right expression to be used in this case. It was more of growls and glares which left the man at the stand quaking in his boots.

Well, this is all my fault at first.

I had wanted the big stuffed red bear and I pleaded with grump to play for it. Thinking about it now, I have no fault here.

How would I have known that he won't abide by the rules?

We had gone up to the stand. The guy manning the stand welcomed us and smiled at me. It was a weird smile but a smile nonetheless and it wasn't really pleasing to Orian. I could tell by the way his hand tightened around my waist. He handed the game fee over to the man, and politely asked him to bring forth the teddy.

I knew he was polite because I am used to Orian and his tone is always assertive but to any other person or a stranger, he must have sounded rude.

So Kent, I knew his name from his name tag, fixed the cap on his head and defied Orian.

It was the worse i shall stand up for myself and what is right attempt in history. He had maintained that Orian play by the rules or nothing.

Orian growled at him and delivered one of his murderous glares which sent the young man into action and soon enough, I had my teddy in my arms and Mr Kent was quaking in his boots. He should be thankful that he only got growled and glared at, not fed to crocodiles which is a good thing, right?

I know Orian didn't play by the rules which is wrong but there is always a reason for everything and a silver lining to all situations.

For one, Orian looked tired and a game of shoot the arrows to win a bear would tire him out and I didn't want him to pass out on me. And looking at the bright side, Mr Kent wouldn't have to watch us try to win or help me carry Orian if he faints from exhaustion and the people at the end of the line wouldn't have to wait for long to get their turn. You see? A win win for all and Orian probably saw all these that's why he did what he did.

Besides, this was his first fair ever! And he wouldn't know how to behave himself at one, I made a silent promise that he will be well behaved next time after I teach him how to act at a fair.

"Where to next?" He asked taking my hand and leading me away from the stand.

"You didn't have to treat the man like that." I scolded him.

"He smiled at you."

"He was being nice."

"With a leering smile?" He scoffed and I looked up at him to tell him where we were to go next but his phone rang and he had to take the call.

I prayed that the call wouldn't last long, this was our last night together and I wanted to enjoy it with him and memorise every bit of it. I was going back to my world tomorrow and he's too big to fit in my suit case. So, smuggling him into the castle won't be possible neither has sneaking out of the hotel all these while to see him.

After our sleep over, we hung out more often with me sneaking out, Rose covering up for me, Terren bitching about how we do not spend time together and mum getting suspicious of my movements anytime she called.

But it was worth it.

The few hours I got to spend with him, threading our fingers together, talking about stuff.

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