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Thank you for the birthday wishes🥹🥹🥹🥹I love you all❤️❤️❤️I am so sorry I couldn't reply, I was studying...

And sorry for my absence, I got caught up with studying.

Amara's pov

The astronomers would say a night sky littered with stars twinkling and illuminating the atmosphere would be the most beautiful sight and I once agreed with this but now, at the moment I refute their claims.

There was something far more beautiful.

His hands were on my knees, fingers gripping my flesh as he parted my legs to bare my core before him.

The cool breeze blew ever so softly and I inhaled closing my eyes for a brief moment as the air caressed my skin, skimming over my exposed lap and blowing across my exposed center sending sensual sensations as it brushed against my moist folds.

I opened my eyes to peer at him, my cheeks heating up at the sight.

His hair pulled back with my scrunchie with a few stray locks falling over his face, those strands somewhat shone with wetness from my release a few seconds ago and I could see droplets of it coating his face and some were on his lips, with his gaze still focused on my cunt, his tongue peeked out swiping across his lips, his eyelids closing and there was the low satisfactory mmm that sent a jolt straight to my cunt coming from him as he savored it.

I knew what was going to happen next, however strange it was to me, I still anticipated it. I craved whatever it was he wanted to do right there but then my sexual fervor was mixed with fear and my insecurities came out to play.

I didn't think I could go through with this.

"Let's go inside," I whispered slowly releasing myself from his hold with much exerted force and his eyes snapped back to mine as he watched me try to skitter away from him.

"Why?" He asked wrapping his hand around my ankle, sparks flew as he pulled me back to him and he brought himself atop me, yikes.

He hovered over me, looking down at me with that angelic face of his with his silver pools gazing at me with lust, I can't breathe,

His hands were placed on either side of my form as I was forced to lay back on the grass with my legs tightened together trying to get relief from the budding ache between my legs, eyes holding his and hair splaying across the lawn, "moya prekrasnaya koroleva." My beautiful Queen.

Orian whispered the words and butterflies erupted in my belly despite not knowing what they meant, they made me giddy with excitement and I think they were good words seeing the way his sliver orbs gazed at me with adoration, "Let's go in." I clutched at the fabric of my dress fiddling with the bow on the neckline as I looked away from him not wanting to drown in his eyes and get distracted.

"Why?" He brought his hand to my face, taking my jaw between his fingers and turning my face back to his, "You don't want daddy to taste your pussy under the stars?"

My breath itched and I shivered with the feeling of want rising in my belly.

Those words had me clenching my thighs with fire erupting within me as I clutched hard to my dress swallowing hard, trying not melt under his gaze, what would it feel like to have his mouth on my-

We want that very much daddy, Cora purred cutting my thoughts off and I got red at her words. His finger came up to my cheek tracing the pattern of the blush that rose, "I- I - do."

"So, what's the matter?" Orian moved his fingers to my neck, trailing them over the smooth column of my throat, he caressed my collar bone and his hand came to my chest hovering over my breast.

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