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Forgive me my loves😭I am back.

Amara's pov

I didn't know which I was more terrified from. The gazes from Imelda and Hector burning holes through my soul or my soulmate renouncing me once again even after making a promise to be better for me.

My eyes were fixated between Orian and I with my heart drumming frantically in its encase.

I watched as his hands on my waist slowly left and my heart dropped instantly. He was surely going to deny us again, I didn't look at his face for the fear of seeing an emotion of betrayal that I didn't want to find in his eyes. I looked at Hector and Imelda instead, angry expressions etched on their faces with Imelda's being that of jealousy and Hector's simply spelling murder.

Leave, Cora croaked fearing rejection just like I did, leave, just leave before he utters his words and breaks our hearts.

I could feel the tension simmering in the air between us all and then I gazed back down to see Orian's hands by his side with his fists twisting nervously probably thinking of what lies to cook up this time.

"What the fuck is going on here?!" Hector thundered breaking the silence and I looked back at him. He gave me the look of what spell you cast on him, you witch! I didn't cast any spells, and I hardly paid attention in magic and sorcery classes let alone know how to cast a spell. I was busy playing water guns with Eros instead of taking classes seriously.

Imelda looked like she was about to scream burn the witch! She had her hands at akimbo with her face morphed in disbelief as she looked at me from head to toe and back right up scrunching her nose disgust with lips curled in a sneer.

I didn't look as elegant as she did at the moment and she made me know she was better than me with her gaze.

Her blonde hair was simply tied back in a bun and she had on a green dress with tiny straps and an elegant plunging neckline that did justice in announcing her generous bosom. The rest of the dress made known her tiny waist by the corset and the fabric flowed around her full hips and then there was a slit revealing tanned thighs.

I hate blondes.

You are one, A tiny voice said in my head and I looked at myself with consciousness after taking in Imelda's wonderful appearance.

My hair was surely disheveled and all over the place, my fingers at pancake batter staining the pads and some of it chipped between my nails. My simple nightwear of shorts and shirt wasn't exactly befitting for their visit and when I looked down, I noticed one of my slipper was gone leaving me barefooted on one leg.

I was a mess.

Hector reminded me of Terren, who always overdressed for an occasion. He had on his regal attire, one would mistake him for the count and he gripped his walking stick which was slightly similar to Orian's, copycat!

"I asked what the fuck is going on here?!" He bellowed again and I noticed Orian hadn't answered him the first time.

I didn't need to be told twice to leave, my heart was pounding hard and dark memories clouded my vision.

I was terrified and surely I was going to have a panic attack. I got down and turned around immediately but my first step was halted when a tattooed arm snaked around my waist and pulled me back in place, he spun me around and pulled me against him.

An audible gasp came from Imelda as we were now facing them both with his arm around my waist and me being tucked by his side, okay, slow down heart, slow down.

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