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Hope everyone is doing fine?❤️

Orian's pov

Dear Diary,

I had just realized that we are approaching autumn, not my favorite season nor do I have any favorite seasons.

I have never been big on seasons but for some reason, I looked forward to autumn coming and going by so it would be winter soon.

I am excited about winter and for one reason only.


It's her favorite season, and the way she talks about it, describes it and yearns for it makes me want to experience it so I can relate with her.

It makes me want to see winter through her eyes and it also makes me want to witness how happy she would be during winter.

I have seen her before, from afar, the glee that grows in her when the season arrives. All those years I watched her intensified my hatred for her and her family.

With each coming season, they always had fun activities.

Spring came with playing in the rain with her parents, her brother, and her best friend's family wasn't left out.

Summer came with the busiest summer activities I have ever seen and it was at this period that Terren was usually around (I am glad I killed him) and then there was autumn.

She and her family loved to take long walks along their territory during this season, racing each other as they passed through the forest and yelling for all to hear, and then winter, building snowmen and making snow angels was their favorite winter activity in their territory when they weren't traveling out for a vacation.

Watching them made me grow fonder of my brother, Ares and it made me miss my family, Akanther to be precise.

Each time, I watched them be happy, my heart shook with resentment and I vowed to make them all pay for ruining my happiness as well.

But now, things were different.

My lovely wife loved to recreate new things with me and I had to refrain from giggling and screeching like a little school girl when she said we must partake in autumn walks and winter activities just like she did with her family. And then she added that we would do all activities that she would eventually come up with.

I am truly looking forward to the last two seasons of the year, I might even start monitoring the calendars, counting the days down to the arrivals.

Dear diary, I would confess that I have never been this happier.

Earlier today, I stood at the window, gazing down to watch Cora prance around the castle grounds with her silver fur glimmering in the sunlight. I haven't officially met her yet but I could already feel the connection and it was like an additional feeling was incorporated into my soul when she stared up at me with those green eyes and gave me a wolf grin before turning around and sashaying away.

I would love to meet her soon, formally introduce myself to her and come tell you all about it.

But I am worried, I fear that my cur- I have to stop writing now, I hear a knock at the door and I can smell nexus and Leo.

I do not want anyone to read what I have to tell you.

Bye diary, till we meet again.

I clicked my pen, shoved it between the pages, and dropped the diary hurriedly into the drawers not wanting them to walk in on me writing knowing that Nexus would demand to see what is written in it.

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