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Orian's pov


                     Exhaustion wracked through me, and the ache in my legs grew as I ascended the mountain cursing everything beneath me for my misfortune of not being able to use my wings. I was so close to going back down and forgetting everything I came here for but the rage and disappointment in Hector's voice if I did what my mind advised pushed me forward. I didn't want longer speeches on how I was an ungrateful fool on my twenty-fifth birthday.

I got to the top with a sigh and dragged myself across the edge before sitting for a short rest. The  entrance of the cave was already in sight with the other leaders probably inside waiting for me. I wiped the beads sweat dripping across my brow, my chest heaving while I tried to catch my breath and focusing on healing the tiny scratches I got while climbing.

"You are late!" His voice thundered and I got up in panic turning to see him standing behind me with his brows etched in anger and lips curled in a snarl, "It's the last procession of the blood ritual today Wolfe and I told you that nothing should go wrong!"

I flinched at the use of the name I hated the most, he always seemed to know when to use it knowing it triggered my bad memories and downed my spirits.

"Let's just go inside and finish this up." I spoke masking my emotions not wanting him to see how affected I was, "Where are the rest?"

"They are done with their rituals, you are next and after yours, everyone would gather and take the oath unanimously." He spoke as he led his way into the cave to the seer's abode and I bit my lip to stop myself from asking why we had to come this far to take the oath when we had a seer back home.

We went in and the smell of herbs plus different concoctions immediately hit my nostrils making me wrinkle my nose in irritation I sat at the spot that Hector had pointed out for me while the seer had his back turned to us because he was busy turning something in a cauldron.

The atmosphere seemed fishy to me and I felt uneasy with the thought of leaving growing in my mind making me twist my fingers with anxiety.

"I want to go home." I spoke mindlessly airing my thoughts and revealing my displeasure.

"Don't embarrass bastard!" Hector's tone was low yet harsh. He glared at me and I matched his hard gaze "Are you staring  at me with defiance?" He questioned as he was taken aback.

"Why did we have to come all the way here away from home to do this?" I tried not to tremble as I spoke seeing the way his fists were beginning to curl by his side, "I don't feel safe here, I need to leave."

"Is this him?" The seer turned to us, his gaze resting on me, "He is quite stubborn."

"You are embarrassing me! You are acting like an ingrate, Akanther wouldn't be pleased. You must avenge him and this is the only way-"

"Why don't you do it yourself?! You are his brother!" My voice was raised louder than I wanted, it was almost a growl and I wanted to punch myself in my head for having an outburst knowing what the outcome would be. I had already agreed to be here but me feeling uneasy made me act like this and I didn't know why.

"You little-"He swung his hand, palm meeting me across the face leaving a harsh sting, and then he reached out his fingers, gripping my hair and pulling me closer to him, "I made you what you are, you imbecile! If it wasn't for me, you would have been in prison rotting! I am about to make you the most powerful ruler in the underworld, the least you could do is to show gratitude! Now, you are going to keep quiet and do exactly as you are instructed if you don't, I know many ways to make your life more miserable than it already is!" He pushed my head away, "Commence! And be fast about it." He growled at the seer who responded with a nod, picked up his staff, and began to chant incantations while I sat in silence awaiting his instructions with regrets knowing I hadn't the will power to fight him.

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